Andreu Marfull Pujadas CV: Biographical Review and Contributions to the New Chronology

January 21, 2021


Andreu Marfull Pujadas

Professional profile and publications:

Academic profile:


Biographical review


Born in Barcelona in 1971, he is Doctor in Geography at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, 2017) and Architect at the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura de Barcelona (ETSAB, 2004), as well as a Master in Sustainability and Planning, in Urban Management and Real Estate Valuations and Direction and Management at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC Foundation; UPC, 2011-2012). He has worked as an architect and urban planner in Catalonia and, since 2018, is a full-time professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico, where he became a Member of the National System of Researchers with Level 1 of the Mexican Government in the years 2020 -2022. His professional research line is the New Urban Agenda and the planetary marginal urbanization process. In parallel, he explores and works on the Catalan national liberation process (since 2012) and the New Chronology (since 2014), starting to collaborate with professors Fomenko and Nosovskiy in 2015.


Contributions by Andreu Marfull Pujadas to the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy

1. Reasoned hypothesis of the links between the Mongol and Keraite peoples and the Prester John lineage; the genuine Hebrew people; the Ethiopian Imperial House of the House of Solomon; and the Ark of the Covenant. This episode takes place around the year 1486 and subdues the great Egypt, according to the investigation carried out by the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy that deciphers the biblical account of the Apocalypse and the zodiac that is symbolically written in it. Along these lines, chapters 10, 11 and 12 of the Apocalypse describe the glory of the Mongolian and Keraite enterprise; the ark; the division of the world into two great churches (East and West); and the genesis of the lineage of Christ that also became Horus, the Buddha and the Krishna. And the work of Isaac Newton of 1733, on the Apocalypse, clarifies it. This prophetic time is in the Middle Ages, as discovered by Fomenko and other research scholars before. The new lineage that takes over from the Roman Empire is the Palaiologos, started by the child emperor Andronicus, son of Michael. To finish understanding it, between the jump from the capital of Babylon to Palestinian Jerusalem there is, halfway, the construction of Constantinople on Troy and, in parallel, the temple of Petra, which becomes the valley of rest the warriors who submit to Egypt and create the glory of a new empire from the sword of God, following the narrative of the Book of Ezekiel. Babylon, the destroyed city according to the Apocalypse, is Cairo (which means "the victorious" in Arabic). Medieval maps demonstrate this equivalence, and also show the power of the Priest John assimilated to the Pope of Rome, who ends up settled in Ethiopia. Then the power of the Priest, the Ark and Solomon is destroyed and in its place is created that of the Pope of Rome, as a continuator of the great power of Genghis Khan, in the 17th century.


2. Reasoned hypothesis that between the 15th and 18th centuries a process of political and symbolic construction takes place with its epicenter in Occitan Gothia, in parallel to the equivalent process that has as its centrality the symbolic capital of Yaroslavl, in the Russian Golden Horde. Occitan Gothia is sister to Crimean Gothia, where the New Chronology of Fomenko and Nosovskiy locates the expansion of the Roman Empire in Eurasia and the origin of Christ. Thus, these two processes lead, in the second half of the 17th century, to the reconstruction of history in its entirety under Christian rule, sacrificing the Hebrew biblical history of the historical account and sending it to the past. In this investigation, Moses and the Hebrew people arrive in Occitan Gothia just as Musa Ibn Nusair, the Babylonian Exiliarchs and Charlemagne do in official history, and this process is related to the presence of the New Testament Marys in Provence, and its link with the European monarchies. In a special way, it is related with Mary Magdalene, who is represented in different figures, such as Eudoxia Komnenos, the grandmother of King James I of Aragon. Along these lines, Occitan Gothia is where the Western counter-power is born, which will end up designing history in the 17th and 18th centuries. But this initial power is supplanted by new powers from the East, for which Occitan Gothia is sacrificed and in its place Italian Rome and the French, Hispanic, Germanic and English counter-powers flourish. Thus, a strong archaeological and documentary construction and destruction activity begins that culminates with the work of Joseph Justus Scaliger -Opus de emendatione temporum- with a false date of 1583. In this process, 185 years added are created between the 16th and 18th centuries and a history long in time. In this way, a genealogical transition of the main lineages is created and a historical narrative tailored to the new Christian and messianic worldview. The thesis that develops it is known as Chronology X-185.



3. Reasoned hypothesis that official History and the Bible are manipulated chronologically, symbolically, and genealogically under the leadership of the Society of Jesus, founded in 1725 (not 1540) after years of global geopolitical negotiations. Most of the history published in the 16th-17th centuries is written in the 18th century and the previous documents are created or forged.