Official WEBSITE of the scientific direction NEW CHRONOLOGY


"The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy is the most significant discovery
of the 20th century
Alexander Alexandrovich Zinowjev
«Scaliger me seduxit» , «Terret me, ut video, studium chronologicum»
Iohannes Kepler
Sergey Rudnev.
On the Stone Ships of Northern Europe in Light of the New Chronology (pdf).

Abstract: Arguments are presented in support of the hypothesis that the famous stone ships in Northern Europe are Christian medieval structures, originating from the imperial rite of royal burial in ancient Egypt, Romea (Byzantium), and the Rus-Horde, which is its symbolic reflection. Subsequently, the tradition of building stone ships for honorable burials became widespread in Northern Europe, where they became a local custom. The small town of Jelling in Denmark is a unique place where paganism and Christianity "officially met" in two generations of the same ruling dynasty. The symbolism of the royal burial at Jelling and of the world-tree Yggdrasil from German-Scandinavian mythology, combined with the well-known association between the chief Norse god Odin and Christ, strongly suggests that the "pagan" beliefs of the Vikings were an early form of Christianity. A natural explanation is provided for the origin of the term "Vikings" as "sea raiders," and why stone ships in the Baltic states are referred to as "devil’s ships."

New book CHRONOLOGY 8 by A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovsky has been published in English (= Book I of Chronology 7 in Russia).

The conflict of mathematics wich historiography. Sergey Glazyev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Siences, 12 August 2023.

On the New Chronology of Fomenko-Nosovskiy. Abdusalam Guseinov, PhD, Academician of the Russian Academy of Siences, 8 January 2023.

Introduction. A.T. Fomenko, Gleb V. Nosovskiy
1. The conventional version of the world history was created relatively recently, in the XVII century. This version is incorrected.
2. Psyhological

Andreu Marfull Pujadas


Hypothesis X-185, in graphics - Based on the New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy -

Andreu Marfull Pujadas, 2023



Andreu Marfull Pujadas. THE TARTAR HOLY GRAIL

2024 April


The other colonization of America, according to maps and neochronology (pdf)

© Prologue by A.T.Fomenko. April, 2023.

Authors' note:

Created finally in the XVI century A.D. and accepted today chronology and history of the ancient and medieval world, evidently contains big mistakes.
Many outstanding scientists understood it and discussed during a long period of time. But it appeared to be a difficult task to build a new, non-contradictory concept of chronology.
Starting from 1975 a group of mathematicians, mainly from the Moscow State University, were engaged in the development of this problem. Interesting results were received and published both in scientific periodical print and in separate monographs. We underline, that new concept of chronology is based, mainly, on analysis of historical sources WITH THE METHODS OF MODERN MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS and vast COMPUTER CALCULATIONS.

The task of chronology is to put in order the events into proper way on a temporary scale based on the available information. This task naturally fits into the field of applications to modern mathematical statistics, theory of information. The methods of humanities, one of which is history, are not enough for solving chronological issues. New chronology imposes another psychological picture of perception of the antiquity. Now the word "antiquity" should be connected with XV-XVII centuries A.D. that is with the events, distant from us on 300-400 years. Expression "high antiquity" should now relate to the XIII-XIV centuries A.D. And the words "the highest antiquity" – are already the XI-XII centuries A. D. BEFORE THE X-XI CENTURIES A.D. THE EPOCH OF SILENCE OF WRITTEN DOCUMENTS COMES. (See the book RECONSTRUCTION).
Our analyses of the chronology and history opened a striking circumstance. Based on the applied by us mathematical methods it was proved, that the Scaligerian chronology, and therefore also the Scaligerian history of the "antiquity" and the Middle Ages, is totally wrong. Moreover, it appeared that our history right up to the end of the XVI century was consciously falsified at the epoch of the XVII-XVIII centuries.

A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy

Fomenko A.T. "Mathematical Impressions".
AMS (American Mathematical Society), USA,Provedence, 1990.

Index of images

The Matematical Intelligencer

Volume 8 , Number 2 , 1986, Springer-Verlag New York
Mathematics and the External World:
An Interview with Prof. A. T. Fomenko.

Anatoly T.Fomenko, Gleb V.Nosovskiy
"History: Fiction or Science"

Overview of e-books >> - The Chronology Issue. How Europe escaped from Eurasia

Books presented at They called the debate between traditional historians and readers, supporters of the New Chronology.

Franck Tamdhu (Editor), Mike Jagoupov (Translator), Polina Zinoviev (Illustrator), 2005 г.
Overview of the seven volumes
A Global Falsification of History. Foreword by Alexander Zinoviev
Foreword by A. Shiryaev
Publisher's Note. Publisher's Advice
Preface by A. T. Fomenko
History of the New Chronology. By A. T. Fomenko and G. V. Nosovskiy
History:Fiction or Science? Chronology vol.I  Anatoly T.Fomenko

Paperback 1 >
History bases"
History:Fiction or Science? Chronology vol.II  Anatoly T.Fomenko  Gleb V.Nosovskiy

Paperback 2 >
History:Fiction or Science? Chronology vol.III  Anatoly T.Fomenko  Gleb V.Nosovskiy

Paperback 3 >
A.T.Fomenko, T.N. Fomenko, V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V. Nosovsky
"Astronomical methods as applied to chronology.
Ptolemy's Almagest
History:Fiction or Science? Chronology vol.IV  Anatoly T.Fomenko  Gleb V.Nosovskiy

Paperback 4 >
A.T.Fomenko, G.V. Nosovsky
"New chronology of Russia (Russia. England. Byzantium. Rome)"
History:Fiction or Science? Chronology vol.IV  Anatoly T.Fomenko  Gleb V.Nosovskiy

Paperback 5 >
A.T.Fomenko, G.V. Nosovsky
Russia = Horde. Ottomans = Atamans. Europe. China. Japan. The Etruscans. Egypt. Scandinavia.
History:Fiction or Science? Chronology vol.IV  Anatoly T.Fomenko  Gleb V.Nosovskiy
A.T.Fomenko, G.V. Nosovsky
Mediæval Horde-Ataman World Empire. The Bible. Conquest of the Promised Land.
The Reformation. Calendar and Easter.
History:Fiction or Science? Chronology vol.7  Anatoly T.Fomenko
= Book II of Chronology 6
Anatoly T. Fomenko, Gleb V. Nosovskiy
A reconstruction of global history. The Khans of Novgorod = The Habsburgs. Miscellaneous information. The legacy of the Great Empire in the history and culture of Eurasia and America.

Chronology 8
= Book I of Chronology 7
Anatoly T. Fomenko, Gleb V. Nosovskiy


History: science or fiсtion?

2012- 2013
Documental films about New Chronology (there is a variant of films with English subtitles).
Scriptwriter, director and producer - Yury Alexandrovich Elkhov. Producer center UNIVERSE.
Scriptwriter, director and producer - Yury Alexandrovich Elkhov. Producer center UNIVERSE.
Fragments of the interview with А.Т.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovsky are included in the film.