Yury Elkhov


Film was published with the permission of the author Yuri Elhov

Mystification Film by Yuri Elkhov with subtitles in English



Video: Hypothesis X-185, in graphics - Based on the New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovskiy (youtube.com)

Andreu Marfull Pujadas, 2023



Serge Belobaba. What is Histiry? Playlist (youtube.com)



True Life. History: Science or Fiction. Playlist (youtube.com)

History: science or fiсtion?



Review of the film series History: Science or Fiction.

«Godland Pictures» with participation of the production center «New time».

2 sets, each of 12 popular scientific films in DVD format are issued:

Films 1-12, 2009

Films 13-24, 2011