History: fiction or science?

A. T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy
(Chronology 7 = Book II of Chronology 6)

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About the Authors

Overview of the seven volumes

From the Publishers

Also by Analoly T. Fomenko

Also by Gleb V. Nosovskiy

Preface by Igor Kurinnoy, Ph.D.

Chapter 13 Jesus Christ was crucified on the outskirts of Czar-Grad

1. Mount Golgotha of the Gospels Jerusalem is Mount Beykoz in Istanbul ...... 3

2. New Jerusalem near Moscow was built in the XVII century, reproducing, in particular, the “tomb of Jesus” on the Mount Beykoz ...11

Chapter 14 Conquest of America in the XV century by the armies of Russia-Horde and Ottomania = Atamania. The ordinary Bible and the Bible of Mormons. Christopher Columbus as biblical Patriarch Noah

1. Our reconstruction and introductory remarks ...... 15

2. Biblical “Flood” as the death of former humanity. Expectation for the “end of the world” in the late XV century ...... 21

3. The Bible of Mormons ......23

4. Under the leadership of the great leader Nephi, his people went to the conquest of the Promised Land ...... 25

5. A compass was used in the conquest of the Promised Land ...... 25

6. Apart from the compass, Nephi-Noah had a globe ........ 27

7. The biblical warriors of Nephi-Noah were armed with steel crossbows ......... 28

8. Regular Bible: Noah built an Ark for sailing. Mormon Bible: Nephi built a ship to sail across the ocean .........31

9. Regular Bible: Noah’s sailing in the great waters. Mormon Bible: Nephi’s sailing across the great ocean .......32 10. The Book of Ether on the sailing through the ocean and the settlement of America by the troops of the Horde ........ 33

10.1. Jared and Jared’s brother .......33

10.2. The exodus of Jared-the Horde from Babylon and the dispersion of peoples ...... 34

10.3. Journey of Jared-the Horde through the “desert.” Dezeret bees, stinging snakes, and the brass snake of Moses. Muskets and cannons ...... 34

10.4. Jared-the Horde builds ships to cross the ocean ...... 35

10.5. Jared-the Horde set forth into the ocean onboard the ships “like the Ark of Noah” .......35

10.6. The arrival of Jared-the Horde in the promised land ...... 36

11. Opinion of the Mormon Bible commentators on the voyage of Nephi-Noah ...... 38

12. Christopher Columbus, or the crusader Colón .......... 38

12.1. What was the name of Christopher Columbus? ...... 38

12.2. Where and when was Columbus born? When and where he died? Where is he buried? ......40

12.3. Have the genuine Columbus voyage journals survived? ...... 40

12.4. The voyage of Nephi-Noah as the exodus of one of the tribes of Israel. This is the exodus of the Jews from Spain at the time of the Crusader (Christ-bearer) Colón ...... 40

12.5. A compass in the hands of Nephi-Noah and of the Crusader (Christbearer) Columbus .........41

12.6. Fair wind for the ships of Jared the Horde and fair wind for the ships of the Crusader (Christ-bearer) Columbus ...... 42

12.7. Mutiny on the ship of Nephi-Noah is the mutiny on the ship of Crusader Columbus ........42

12.8. The “Grand Khan” issue in the story of Crusader Columbus’s voyage ....... 42

13. What did the genuine maps of the first half of the XVI century look like ......... 45

14. What the two-headed eagle means on the mediaeval world maps ...... 47

15. The name of the biblical Noah-Columbus is written on the star maps, and the Bible directly mentions Columbus ....... 48

16. “Most ancient” Babylonian and Sumerian documents call biblical Noah Christopher and “Jesus of the Horde,” pointing to Christopher Columbus of the XV century ...... 50

17. What mountain Ararat did the Ark of biblical Noah land on? ...... 55

18. A Bulgar chronicle of 1680 about the conquest of America and of the whole mediaeval world by the Bulgars ......57

19. The Mayan sacred book “Popol Vuh” turns out to be a version of the Bible and refers to the XIV–XVI century events ...... 60

19.1. A brief history of the book Popol Vuh ........ 60

19.2. What means the title of the book Popol Vuh ...... 61

19.3. What means “Quiché Maya” ...... 63

19.4. How the book Popol Vuh, i.e., “the Old Bible,” begins ...... 63

19.5. Where did the Quiché Maya people come from to America ........ 64

19.6. According to the Popol Vuh, Gur-Khan, i.e., Genghis Khan, took part in the biblical creation of the world ...... 65

19.7. The flood as described in the Popol Vuh, and the appearance of the seafarer Columbus in the place of the biblical patriarch Noah ...... 66

19.8. The re-narration of the Popol Vuh story of the creation of the world by two progenitors—the Spanish Gog and the Great Khan of Moscow ...... 67

19.9. The creation of the world and of the first four people, including Columbus .......67

19.10. The White = Babylonian Horde headed by Columbus arrives in America and populates it .......69

19.11. The American deputation travels back through the ocean to the Catholic Czar to get his authorization to rule over the land of Maya ........ 70

19.12. At the late XVII—early XVIII century, some chroniclers thought that the royal history of Quiché Maya began in 1054 A.D. ....... 71

19.13. Gospel motifs in the Popol Vuh: Nativity of Christ, the Star of Bethlehem, the veneration of the Three Wise Men ...... 72

19.14. Traces of the Horde names remaining in America after its colonization by the Horde ......72

20. “Ancient” Maya in America wore the Cossack chalmas ...... 74

21. Why historians declared “wild” the theories of some scientists about the history of population of America ........75

22. Close relations between “ancient” America and “ancient” Eurasia did not begin in antiquity, but only in the XIV–XV century ...... 77

23. The mysterious center from which the waves of world migration spread ...... 80

24. Do we have today a correct idea of the history of the Spanish conquest of America in the XVI century? ...... 81

25. The meaning of the words “Conquista” and “reconquista” from the point of view of the new chronology ......85

26. The Christian empire of the American Incas ........ 87

27. Large Scythian burial mounds scattered across Eurasia and all North America ...... 89

27.1. The kurgans (mounds) all through the “Mongol” = Great Empire ...... 89

27.2. Scythian burial mounds in America ...... 90

28. Unique drawings. Castañeda, Waldek, Catherwood: traveler testimonies of the early XIX century enlighten us on the history of America of the XIV–XVII centuries ...... 101

29. What did the names of some American peoples initially mean? .......... 108

29.1. The Aztecs (Ostyaks?) ...... 108

29.2. The Caribs (Khrabriye?) ...... 108

29.3. The Escimo, or Inuit, or Ainu ...... 109

29.4. The Muscogee ...... 109

29.5. The Cherokee ...... 110

29.6. The Iroquois ...... 110

29.7. The Pueblo ...... 111

29.8. The distant great king of the American Indians ...... 111

29.9. The defeat of the Indians ...... 111

30. Interesting names on the map of America (allegedly) of 1596 ...... 113

31. The grandiose division of the world between Castile and Portugal in the XV–XVI

century. What countries bore at that time the names Castile and Portugal ...... 115

Chapter 15 When did Ptolemy’s Geography appear in its modern form ...... 122

Chapter 16 Charlemagne, alias Jesus Navin, and the “Mongolian” conquest of Europe. Aachen Royal Cathedral

1. Charlemagne and the “Mongol” conquest ...... 133

2. Aachen Dome, i.e., the Khan’s House ...... 135

2.1. Restorations ...... 135

2.2. Huge chandelier of Barbarossa in the Khan’s House ...... 136

3. The strange story of the discovery of the remains of Charlemagne = the “Mongol” King ...... 137

4. Who was buried in the golden sarcophagus of the “Mongol” King? ...... 138

5. Golden sarcophagus of the Virgin Mary in the Khan’s House ...... 142

6. Who is depicted on Lothar’s cross? ......... 145

Chapter 17 The Bible and Bulgarian history

1. The nominalia of the mediaeval Bulgarian Khans ...... 146

2. Mediaeval Bulgarian rulers were called Khans or Grand Princes ...... 147

3. The use of the Chinese calendar in the nominalia of the Bulgarian Khans ...... 148

4. The complete nominalia of Bulgarian Khans, Grand Princes, and Kings.

Duplicates in the Scaligerian version of Bulgarian history ........ 148

5. General look at the history of Bulgaria from the point of view of the new chronology .......152

6. On the meaning of the words “Ottoman” = Ataman and “Turk” ......155

Chapter 18 Miscellaneous

1. The Ostrog Bible is the Permian Bible, i.e., Austrian, i.e., East Imperial “Mongol” Bible ...... 157

2. When was the Slavic Skaryna’s Bible published ...... 158

3. The Bible in ancient China ........161

4. Why the Tigris and the Euphrates, according to some “antique” authors, flow into the Black Sea .........162

5. American plants and fruits on the frescoes of the “antique” Pompeii ...... 163

6. The mediaeval date of the 7th Ecumenical Council differs by 500 years from its Scaligerian date ......163

7. The “antique” Aristotle, teacher of Alexander the Great, and Aristotele Fioravanti in Moscow of the XV century ......163

8. Archaeological Museum of Istanbul ...... 164

8.1. The “antique” world and “antique” culture perished in the late XV century ...... 164

8.2. A tombstone of the alleged VIII century B.C. with Christian crosses ...... 165

8.3. The Novgorodian icon “Our Lady of the Sign” on archaeological monuments of Istanbul .......165

9. Possible origin of the names Ioann and Solomon ....... 166

10. On the origins of the words “kostel” = temple and “kastel” = castle ...... 167

11. On gypsies ...... 168

12. A lion of the Russian city of Vladimir on the coats of arms in Europe and America ...... 169

13. The famous mediaeval script invented by Stephen of Perm was the Latin script ...... 170

14. The list of Permian peoples and the St. Stephen’s staff ....... 178

15. Jerome Horsey or Yeremey Ulyanov? ...... 179

16. In the XIV–XVI centuries, Western Europe obsequiously looked up at the distant and powerful Czar-Khan ...... 181

16.1. What differs our reconstruction of the history of the XIV–XVI centuries from the Scaligerian version ...... 181

16.2. How Jerome Horsey depicted the political geography of Europe in the XVI century ...... 183

16.3. Where the Slavic language was spoken in the XVI century ...... 183

16.4. How Western Europeans called Czar-Khan ...... 183

17. What was written on the bell that stands in front of the Arkhangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin? ...... 184

18. What title of Czar Ivan Vasilievich was erased from his letter? ...... 187

19. “Ancient” Greek Paris and Helen and Russian Boris and Gleb ...... 188

20. Why the commentators declare “mythical” the city of Jerusalem as painted by Vittore Carpaccio .......189

21. What are the famous “seven wonders of the world,” and where they were located ...... 190

21.1. Egyptian pyramids .......190

21.2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon ........ 190

21.3. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus ...... 192

21.4. Statue of Zeus at Olympia ....... 193

21.5. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus ...... 194

21.6. Colossus of Rhodes ...... 196

21.7. Lighthouse of Alexandria ...... 197

22. Could Dante Alighieri, allegedly of the XIII–XIV century, read the King James Bible first published in the XVII century? ...... 197

23. Some old pictures depict Moses of the Old Testament worshipping Jesus Christ of the New Testament .........197

24. The evangelical Pool of Bethesda was and still is in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria ...... 200

25. What the word “Hadji” means .........203

26. The mysterious Bochim in the Book of Judges is Lacedaemon, i.e., Sparta ...... 205


Chapter 19 Calendar-astronomic dating of the Council of Nicaea and the Nativity of Christ —By G. V. Nosovskiy

Introduction .........207

1. Dating the Council of Nicaea ...... 208

1.1. The Council of Nicaea and Paschalia ...... 208

1.2. What is known today about the Council of Nicaea ...... 209

1.3. What is Paschalia? ...... 209

1.4. The calendar Easter cycles: circle to the Sun and circle to the Moon ...... 210

1.5. The old indiction method of counting years ...... 213

1.6. Table of lunar phases in Paschalia ...... 217

1.7. Church holidays included in the Paschalia ...... 218

1.8. The Scaligerian dating of the Council of Nicaea is contradictory to Paschalia ......... 218

1.9. The history of the creation of the Paschalia calendar and the related riddles ....... 219

1.10. The rules of Easter ........220

1.11. The fourth rule ........221

1.12. Rough calculation of the date of compilation of the Paschalia ...... 222

1.13. Dating the Paschalia by the essence of determining Easter ....... 222

1.14. Dating by Easter full Moons ...... 223

1.15. Dating by the “Damascene’s hand” ....... 225

1.16. Explicit dating by Matthew Blastares ...... 226

1.17. Summary of the datings of the Council of Nicaea .......... 226

1.18. “First and Second” Ecumenical Council. Canonization of Paschalia ...... 227

1.19. The Gregorian calendar reform ....... 228

1.20. Main conclusions ......231

2. Christmas and the beginning of “our era” ...... 231

2.1. History of the question ......231

2.2. Calendar “Resurrection conditions” ...... 232

2.3. Dating the Christ Resurrection by the full set of the “Resurrection conditions” .......233

2.4. Dating the Resurrection of Christ according to the reduced set of the “Resurrection conditions” ........ 234

2.5. Could Dionysius the Humble live in the VI century A.D? ....... 234

2.6. Discussion .........236

2.7. On the stability of the “calendar Resurrection conditions” ....... 237

2.8. On the origin of the “calendar Resurrection conditions” ....... 238

2.9. Why do calendar questions seem “dark” today? ......... 238

3. “The older the better” principle in the Scaligerian history ......... 239

3.1. The extreme dates of Scaligerian history ...... 239

3.2. The equinoxes of Matthew Blastares and the Scaligerian chronology ....... 241

4. Additions ..........245

4.1. Dating of Easter by the minimum root mean square (RMS) deviation of calendar and astronomic dates of Easter full Moons .......... 245

4.2. What date was appointed for the vernal equinox at the establishment of the Julian calendar by the Council of Nicaea ........ 245

4.3. Dating the Council of Nicaea by the “calendar position” of the equinox ...... 250

4.4. Where the Paschalia boundary of March 21 comes from ...... 250

4.5. “Ancient” Greek Meton lived in the era of the Council of Nicaea ........ 253

4.6. The “First Ecumenical Council of Victors” of 1343 ...... 257

Chapter 20 Underground Moscow of the XVI century is the “ancient” Egyptian Labyrinth described by “antique” Herodotus and Strabo

1. Underground Moscow of the XVI century ....... 259

1.1. Great construction of ground and underground Moscow in the XVI century .......259

1.2. Archaeological research of Ignatiy Stelletsky ....... 266

1.3. When did people recall about the underground Moscow and what was stored in some of its chambers? ...... 272

1.4. Underground Moscow is still waiting for its explorers ...... 275

2. “Ancient Egyptian” Labyrinth as described by Herodotus ...... 276

3. “Ancient Egyptian” Labyrinth as described by Strabo ...... 280

5. Later and rather poor imitations of the “ancient Egyptian” Labyrinth in other countries, e.g., on the Island of Crete ....... 282

5.1. Why is there no Labyrinth in modern African Egypt? Just its name on a later map .......282

5.2. “Labyrinth” on the island of Crete ........ 284

6. “Ancient” Greek legends about the Labyrinth, Minos, and the Minotaur, as reflections of dramatic events of the XVI–XVII century in Russia-Horde ...... 287

7. The construction of what “Tower of Babel” is described in the Bible? ...... 291


Chapter 21 The biblical Book of Daniel describes the dramatic events from the story of Esther in Russia-Horde of the second half of the XVI century

1. The biblical Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, as presented in the Book of Daniel, is the Russian-Horde Czar-Khan Ivan IV the Terrible .......... 303

1.1. Synopsis of the Book of Daniel ...... 303

1.2. Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar is Ivan the Terrible, Russian-Horde Czar-Khan of the XVI century ...... 304

1.3. The sign that announced the death of Belshazzar, the king of Babylon, is the comet that appeared right before the death of Ivan IV the Terrible in 1584 ........306

1.4. The Jerusalem jewels of Nebuchadnezzar requested by Belshazzar for his feast are the sumptuous jewels of Ivan IV the Terrible that he showed to his

entourage before his death ....... 312

2. The struggle of the Babylonian priesthood against Daniel and his associates is the struggle of the Orthodox Church against the heresy of the Judaizers in Russia under Ivan IV the Terrible and his phantom reflections, Vasily III and Ivan III the Terrible ...... 313

2.1. The Book of Daniel on the “Story of Esther,” that is, on the spreading of heresy at the court of the Russian-Horde Khan in the XVI century .......... 313

2.2. The three Jews thrown in a blazing furnace are the three main heretics burned in a cage in Moscow in the epoch of the struggle against the heresy of the Judaizers ..........317

2.3. The favorable attitude of the Book of Daniel to Daniel and his Jewish companions contrasts with the negative position of the Orthodox Church to the heresy of the Judaizers in Russia ....... 323

3. What known personality of Russian history of the XVI century is described in the Bible under the name of Daniel? ...... 324

4. What lions, and why didn’t they touch Daniel? ...... 328

5. The Book of Daniel and the New Testament Apocalypse are written in a similar style characteristic of the general literary school of the XVI century ...... 330

6. The story of Esther of the XVI century and the story of Susanna in the Book of Daniel .........331

7. Staged church performances picturing the “burning of three youths” were introduced in Russia exactly in the XVI century ......... 336

8. Apocalyptic visions in the Book of Daniel ...... 338



1. Ancient images where the Magus Melchior is a woman ...... 345

2. The composition of the Old and New Testaments, according to the Slavic “Kormchaia” Book of 1620 .......365

3. The last prophecy of Daniel ...... 366

4. Church-Slavonic quotations, mostly from the Ostrog Bible of 1581 ...... 370

5. The Easter tables and the tables of the dates of the first astronomical spring full moons, as per the Gauss formulas.—By G. V. Nosovskiy ...... 391

6. Phoenician writing in the Muslim world. Decoding of the inscriprion on the trophy Ottoman banner kept in the Vienna Museum ...... 450

7. Interesting fragments of old texts ...... 455

8. When lived Niccolò Machiavelli and what he really wrote in his Prince ...... 460

9. Travels of Sir Jerome Horsey .......464

10. Of the Russe Common Wealth.—The treatise by Dr. Giles Fletcher ...... 533


The complete bibliography to the seven volumes ...... 615


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