A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy


Books on New Chronology are published since 1990 (first publications of A.T.Fomenko and his colleagues in scientific magazines appeared in 1980). But we are starting the list of our books on this subject from a seven-volume book "Chronology", which was finished in 2003 and covers (in summarized and revised form) all our chronological studies, made before 2003.

New edition of the seven-volume book on new chronology. Series «History – fiction or science".

Is issued from November 2011.

# Volume 1. A.T.Fomenko. FIGURES AGAINST LIE. Mathematical investigation of the past. Critics of the chronology of Scaliger. Shift of dates and cutting the history. New chronology.

# Volume 2. A.T.Fomenko. ANTIQUITY IS MIDDLE AGES. Illusions in history. The Trojan War was in the XIII century A.D. Evangelic events of the XII century A.D. and their reflections in the history of the XI century.

# Volume 2. Book 2. A.T.Fomenko. WE CHANGE DATES – EVERYTHING CHANGES. Antiquity is Middle Ages. New chronology of Greece and the Bible. Mathematics opens the fraud of medieval chronologists.

# Volume 3. Book 1. V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko STARS TESTIFY.

# Volume 3. Book 2. G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko, T.N.Fomenko CELESTIAL CALENDAR OF THE ANCIENTS. Egyptian zodiacs. History of the Middle Ages on the map of stars sky. Chinese astronomy.

# Volume 4. Book 1. G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA. Russian chronicles. "Mongol-Tartar" conquest. The Battle of Kulikovo. Ivan the Terrible. Razin. Pugachev. Destruction of Tobolsk and dividing its large North American areas between Romanovs' Russia and European colonies on the East of America. Origin of the USA.

# Volume 4. Book 2. G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko THE MIRACLE OF RUSSIAN HISTORY

# Volume 5. Book 1. G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. EMPIRE. Slavonic conquest of the world. Europe. China. Japan. Russia as medieval mother country of the Great Empire.

# Volume 5. Book 2. G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko RISE OF THE TSARDOM.

# Volume 7. Book 1. G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko WESTERN MYTH.

# Volume 7. Book 2. G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko RUSSIAN ROOTS OF THE "ANCIENT" LATIN.


# CHRON1: A.T.Fomenko. <<FOUNDATIONS OF THE HISTORY. (Introduction into the problem. Critics of the Scaligerian chronology. Zodiacs. Horoscopes. Eclipses. Astronomic dating of Apocalypse. Astronomy in the Old Testament. "Dark Ages" of the medieval history)>>. One book. - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS, 2005. Translation into English: Anatoly T.Fomenko. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 1. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2003. Болгарский перевод: А.Т.Фоменко. "Нова хронология на историята. (Сензационни разкрития за грешки в датирането. Установлени с математически и астрономически методи)". Тома 1,2. - Болгария, София, 2009, изд-во Сиела.

# CHRON2: A.T.Fomenko. "METHODS. (Mathematical-statistical methods of dating. Global chronological map. Identifications of ancient and medieval dynasties. The Trojan War in the XIII century A.D. Rome. Greece. Bible. Main shifts in the chronology. Reflection of the evangelic events of the XII century A.D. in Rome history of the XI century A.D.)". In two books. - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS. 2005. Translation into English: Anatoly T.Fomenko. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 2. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2005.

# CHRON3-a: V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "STARS. (Astronomical methods in chronology. Ptolemy's Almagest. Ptolemy. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. Egyptian zodiacs)". - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS, 2006. (First part of the third volume of "Chronology"). Translation into English: Anatoly T.Fomenko, Tatiana N.Fomenko, Vladimir V.Kalashnikov, Gleb V.Nosovskiy. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 3. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2007.

# CHRON3-b: G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko, T.N.Fomenko. "STARS. (Astronomical methods in chronology. Ptolemy's Almagest. Ptolemy. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. Egyptian zodiacs)". - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS, 2006. (Second part of the third volume of "Chronology"). Translation into English: Anatoly T.Fomenko, Tatiana N.Fomenko, Vladimir V.Kalashnikov, Gleb V.Nosovskiy. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 3. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2007.

# CHRON4: G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA. (Russia. England. Byzantium. Rome)". In three books. - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS. 2004. Translation into English: Anatoly T.Fomenko, Gleb V.Nosovskiy. "History: Fiction or Science?". Chronology 4. - Delamere Publishing, Paris, London, New York, 2007.

# CHRON5: G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "EMPIRE. (Great conquest. Russia-Horde. Ottomans=Atamans. Europe. China. Japan. The Etruscans. Egypt. Scandinavia)". In two books. - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS, 2004.

# CHRON6: G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "BIBLICAL RUSSIA. (Universal medieval Horde-Atamanian Empire. Bible. Conquest of the land of the Covenant. America. Reformation. Calendar and the Easter)". In four books. - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS, 2004.

# CHRON7: G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "RECONSTRUCTION. (Reconstruction of the global history. The Khans of Novgorod – The Habsburgs. A legacy of the Great Empire in the history and culture of Eurasia and America)". In three books. - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS, 2005.



In 2009 A.T.Fomenko prepared a new edition of the seven-volume book "Chronology". This edition differs significantly from the previous ones. Books of the new edition were issued since November 2011 as a series "HISTORY: FICTION OR SCIENCE"

# A.T.Fomenko. "Figures against lie". Series "Fiction or science". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2011. (volume 1)

# A.T.Fomenko. "We change dates – everything changes". Series "Fiction or science". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2011. (2nd book of volume 2)

# A.T.Fomenko. "Antiquity is the Middle Ages". Series "Fiction or science". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2011. (1st book of volume 2)



# [HXE] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko "NEW CHRONOLOGY OF EGYPT. Astronomical dating of the monuments of Ancient Egypt. Studies of 2000-2002 years". - Moscow, "Veche", 2002. Revised edition: Moscow publishing house Astrel, AST. 2007.

# [ИНД] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "NEW CHRONOLOGY OF INDIA. Research of 2002-2003 years". - Moscow, publishing house "Delovoy Express", 2004. In a significantly revised form this book was issued under the name "Cossack-arias: from Russia to India". See the next point.

# [КАЗ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. <<COSSACKS-ARIAS: from Russia to India. (Battle of Kulikovo in the Mahabharata. "The Ship of Fools" and rebel of the Reformation. Volos book. New dating of zodiacs. Irish legendry)>>. - Moscow publishing house Astrel, AST. 2007.

# [СТКР] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "OLD MAPS of the Great Russian Empire. (Ptolemy and Ortely within new chronology)". – St.Petersburg, publishing house "Neva", OLMA MEDIAGROUP, 2004.

# [ЦЗС] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "TSAR OF THE SLAVS". - St.Petersburg, publishing house "Neva", 2004. Revised edition: Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST. 2007.

# [HOP] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "THE BEGINNING OF HORDE RUSSIA. (After Christ. The Trojan war. Foundation of Rome)". - Moscow, publishing house AST, "Unknown planet", 2005.

# [ДЗЕЕ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "ANCIENT ZODIACS of Egypt and Europe. (Datings of 2003-2004)". - Moscow, publishing house Veche, 2005.

# [KP] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "CHRISTIANIZATION OF RUSSIA. (Heathendom and Christianity. Christianization of the Empire. Konstantin the Great – Dmitry Donskoy. Battle of Kulikovo in Bible. Sergius of Radonezh – the creator of fire arms. Dating of carpet from Baye)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2006.

# [EA] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "EGYPTIAN ALBUM. Glance at the monuments of Ancient Egypt: from Napoleon to New Chronology". - Moscow, publishing house "RIMIS", 2006.

# [ЦРИМ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. <<TSARIST ROME between rivers Oka and Volga. (New data about the Vergin Mary and Andronicus-Christ, The bondmen war of Novgorodians, Dmitry Donskoy and Mamay, Alexander Nevskiy and Battle on the Ice on the pages of ancient "History of Rome" of Titus Livius and Old Testament)>>. - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2006.

# [ЗИ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "Forgotten Jerusalem. (Istanbul in the light of new chronology)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2007.

# [ГР] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. <<CHRIST AND RUSSIA through the eyes of "ancient" Greeks. (New data about Andronicus-Christ, John the Baptist, Apostle Paul, Judas Iscariot and about Crusades of Russia-Horde. This evidence, as it was found out, composes the basis of the main books of Herodotus, Plutarch, Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato and Aristophanes)>>. - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2008.

# [ЗА] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. <<CONQUEST OF AMERICA by Yermak-Cortes and rebellion of the Reformation through the eyes of "ancient" Greeks. (New data about the battle of Kulikovo, Ivan the Terrible and history of Esther, about famous campaign of ataman-conquistador Yermak-Cortes and the Great Distemper in the empire of the XVI-XVII centuries. This evidence composes a considerable part of "ancient" works of Herodotus, Plutarch and Thucydides)>>. - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2009.

# [ПЕ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "LOST EVANGELISTARIES. New data about Andronicus-Christ. (Famous Pythagor, god Apollo, wonderworker Apollonius, Enochs Esau, Jacob and also Job and Isaiah are reflections of the Christ)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2008.

# [РИ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. <<SPLIT OF THE EMPIRE: from Ivan the Terrible-Nero to Michael Romanov-Domitian. (It appeared, that famous "ancient" works of Suetonius, Tacitus and Flavius, describe the Great Russian Empire and rebellion of the Reformation of the XVI-XVII centuries)>>. - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2009.

# [XP] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko "CHRIST WAS BORN IN THE CRIMEA. THE BLESSED VIRGIN DIED THERE TOO. (The Holy Grail is a Cradle of Jesus, which was kept in Crimea for a long time. King Arthur is a reflection of Christ and Dmitry Donskoy)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST. 2009.

# [ГРК] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "HERACLES. (Myths about Heracles are the legends about Andronicus-Christ, written in the XVI century)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST. 2009.

# [ПРРК] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "PROPHET THE CONQURER". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST. 2009.

# [ЕРИЗ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "ZODIACS OF EGYPT, RUSSIA, ITALY". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST. 2009.


# A.T.Fomenko. "CRITICS AND METHODS OF CHRONOLOGY. (The Scaligerian chronology is wrong. New mathematical and astronomical methods of dating. Medieval chronologies "extended the history". Global chronological map and shifts of dates. New chronology)".

# A.T.Fomenko. "ANTIQUITY IS THE MIDDLE AGES. (Identification of ancient and medieval dynasties. New mathematical methods of dating. The Trojan war in the XIII century A.D. Shifts of dates in the Roman, Greek, Biblical history. Reflection of evangelic events of the XII century in the history of the XI century)".

# V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko, T.N.Fomenko. "ASTRONOMICAL ANALYSIS OF CHRONOLOGY. (Ptolemy's Almagest. Egyptian zodiacs)".

# G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA. (Russia. England. Byzantium. Rome)".

# G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "THE EMPIRE. (Great conquest. Russia-Horde. Ottomans-Atamans. Europe. China. Japan. The Etruscans. Egypt. Scandinavia)".

# G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "BIBLICAL RUSSIA. (Global medieval Horde-Ataman Empire. Bible. Conquest of the land of the Covenant. America. Reformation. Calendar and Passover)".

# G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "RECONSTRUCTION. (A reconstruction of the global history. The Habsburgs – reflection of Russian-Horde Tsars of the XIV-XVII centuries. The legacy of the Great Empire in the history and culture of Eurasia and America)".



SEPARATE BOOKS ON NEW CHRONOLOGY, issued during the period of 1990-2004 years.

Except seven-volume book "Chronology", which we finished in 2003 and covering (in summarized and revised form) all our chronological studies, made before that time, - and also big number of new material, which appeared during the last years, in 1990-2004 we wrote a number of separate books on this subject. We are listing them below with detailed information and conventional short titles.

We divided the list of our separate books on chronology into seven summarized "books" (divisions):
1) Introduction.
2) Methods-1 and -2.
3) Methods-3.
4) New chronology of Russia.
5) Empire.
6) Biblical Russia.
7) Reconstruction.



# [ВВЕД]:1 Fomenko A.T. NEW EXPERIMENTAL-STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATING OF ANCIENT EVENTS AND APPLICATIONS TO GLOBAL CHRONOLOGY OF THE ANCIENT AND MEDIEVAL WORLD. (Preprint). - Moscow.: State Committee of Television and Radio. 1981. Zak. 3672. Lit. from 9/XI - 81 No.��7201, pages.1-100.

# [ВВЕД]:2 English translation: Fomenko A.T. Some new empirico-statistical methods of dating and the analysis of present global chronology. 1981. London, The British Library, Department of printed books. Cup. 918/87.

# [ВВЕД]:3 Fomenko A.T. CRITICS OF TRADITIONAL CHRONOLOGY OF THE ANCIENT TIME AND MIDDLE AGES. (WHAT CENTURY IS NOW?). Report. - Moscow, publishing house of mechanical-mathematical faculty of the MSU, 1993.

# [ВВЕД]:4 Second significantly revised and widened edition of the book was issued in 1999 under the name: Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. INTRODUCTION INTO NEW CHRONOLOGY. (WHAT CENTURY IS NOW?). - Moscow, publishing house Kraft-Lean, 1999. At the same 1999 second edition appeared. In a shortened form this book was republished by Kraft in 2001.

# [ВВЕД]:5 One more time revised edition was issued in 2002 under the name: Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "What century is now?". - Moscow, publishing house AiF-Print, 2002. Reissued in 2003.

# [ВВЕД]:6 In a revised form the book of Nosovskiy G.V. and Fomenko A.T. «What century is now?" was issued in Bulgarian in Sofia: А.Фоменко, Г.Носовски. "Кой век сме сега?". - Болгария, София, Издателство "Литера Прима", 2004.



# [MET1]:1 Fomenko A.T. METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF NARRATIVE TEXTS AND APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. (Identification and dating of dependent texts, statistical ancient chronology, statistics of astronomical messages). - Moscow, publishing house of the MSU, 1990.

# [MET1]:2 Second revised edition of the book was issued in 1996: Fomenko A.T. METHODS OF MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. - Moscow, 1996, publishing house "Nauka".

# [MET1]:3 Some chapters of the book in a widened and revised form were issued in 1996 in a separate book under the name: Fomenko A.T. NEW CHRONOLOGY OF GREECE. ANTIQUITY IN THE MIDDLE AGES. Volumes 1,2. - Moscow, MSU, 1996, publishing house of Learning-Scientific center of pre-university education of the MSU.

# [MET1]:4 English translation of the book in a widened and revised form was issued in 1994: Fomenko A.T. EMPIRICO-STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF NARRATIVE MATERIAL AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO HISTORICAL DATING. Volume 1: The Development of the Statistical Tools. Volume 2: The Analysis of Ancient and Medieval Records. Kluwer Academic Publishers. 1994. The Netherlands.

# [MET1]:5 Translation into Serbian was issued in 1997 under the name: Фоменко А.Т. СТАТИСТИЧКА ХРОНОЛОГИJА. МАТЕМАТИЧКИ ПОГЛЕД НА ИСТОРИJУ. У КОМ СМО ВЕКУ? - Београд, Марго-арт, 1997.

# [MET1]:6 In a revised and considerably widened form the book was issued in 1999 as the first volume of 2-volume edition under the name: Fomenko A.T. METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. VOLUME 1. - Moscow, publishing house Kraft+Lean, 1999.


# [MET1]:7 In a revised form the book was issued as two volumes (first two volumes of 3-volumes edition) in 1999 in Russian in the USA in a scientific publishing house Edwin Mellen Press. Fomenko A.T. New Methods of Statistical Analysis of Historical Texts. Applications to Chronology. Volume 1, Volume 2. In a series: Russian Studies in Mathematics and Sciences. Scholary Monographs in the Russian Language. Volume 6-7. The Edwin Mellen Press. USA. Lewiston. Queenston. Lampeter. 1999.



# [MET2]:1 Fomenko A.T. GLOBAL CHRONOLOGY. (Research in the history of the Ancient World and Middle Ages. Mathematical methods of the analysis of sources. Global chronology). - Moscow, publishing house of the mechanical-mathematical faculty of the MSU, 1993.

# [MET2]:2 In a revised and considerably widened form the book was issued in 1999 as the last second volume of 2-volume edition under the name: Fomenko A.T. METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. VOLUME 2. - Moscow, publishing house Kraft+Lean, 1999.

# [MET2]:3 In a revised form the book was issued in 1999 , in Russian in the USA in a scientific publishing house Edwin Mellen Press, as the last third volume of 3-volumes edition under common name: Fomenko A.T. NEW METHODS OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF HISTORICAL TEXTS. APPLICATIONS TO CHRONOLOGY. Name of the third volume: Fomenko A.T. Antiquity in the Middle Ages. (Greek and Bible History)). In a series: Scholary Monographs in the Russian Language. The Edwin Mellen Press. USA. Lewiston. Queenston. Lampeter. 1999.




# [MET3]:2 The book was issued in Russian in 1995 under the name: Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. DATING OF THE STAR CATALOGUE OF "ALMAGEST". STATISTICAL AND GEOMETRICAL ANALYSIS. - Moscow, publishing house "Factorial", 1995.

# [MET3]:3 In a considerably widened and revised form the book was issued in a new edition in 2000 under the name: Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. ASTRONOMICAL ANALYSIS OF CHRONOLOGY. ALMAGEST. ZODIACS. - Moscow, Financial publishing house "Delovoy express", 2000.

# [MET3]:4 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "NEW CHRONOLOGY OF EGYPT. ASTRONOMICAL DATING OF THE MONUMENTS OF ANCIENT EGYPT. RESEARCH OF 2000-2002 YEARS". - Moscow, "Veche", 2002. Second revised and widened edition was issued in 2003.



# [PAP]:1 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. NEW CHRONOLOGY AND CONCEPT OF THE ANCIENT HISTORY OF RUSSIA, ENGLAND, ROME. (Facts. Statistics. Suppositions). Volume 1: Russia. Volume 2: England and Rome. - Moscow, MSU, 1995, publishing house of Learning-Scientific center of pre-university education of the MSU. This book was published in two editions, in 1995 and 1996.

# [PAP]:3 The first volume of the book was issued in a revised form in as a separate book: Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA. - Moscow, 1997, publishing house Factorial. Reissued in 1998, 1999.

# [PAP]:4 New considerably widened and revised variant of the first two-volume edition of the book was issued as one big format volume of under the name: Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA, ENGLAND AND ROME. - Moscow, 1999, publishing house Anvik. Later there were several re-editions.

# [PAP]:5 New revised variant of this book was issued as one volume under the name: Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA, ENGLAND AND ROME. - Moscow, Financial publishing house "Delovoy express", 2001.




# [ИМП]:1 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. EMPIRE. (Russia, Turkey, China, Europe, Egypt. New mathematical chronology of the antiquity). - Moscow, 1996, publishing house Factorial. Re-editions: in 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003.




# [БР]:1 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. MATHEMATICAL CHRONOLOGY OF BIBLICAL EVENTS. - Moscow, Nauka, 1997.

# [БР]:2 In a considerably revised and widened form the book was issued in two volumes in 1998: Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. BIBLICAL RUSSIA. (Russia-Horde Empire and the Bible. New mathematical chronology of the antiquity). Volumes 1, 2. - Moscow, publishing house Factorial, 1998. Re-issued in 2000.

# [БР]:4 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. BIBLICAL RUS. SELECTED CHAPTERS - I. (Russia- Horde Empire and the Bible. New mathematical chronology of the antiquity. The history of manuscripts and editions of the Bible. Events of the XI-XII centuries A. D. in the New Testament. Pentateuch). - Moscow, publishing house "Factorial", 1999.

# [БР]:5 G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. BIBLICAL RUSSIA. SELECTED CHAPTERS - II. (Russia- Horde Empire and the Bible. New mathematical chronology of the antiquity. The history of the XIV-XVI centuries in the last chapters of books of the Kings. The history of XV-XVI centuries on the pages of books of Esther and Judith. The epoch of
Reformation of the XVI-XVII centuries). - Moscow, publishing house "Factorial Press", 2000.



# [PEK]1 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. RECONSTRUCTION OF THE UNIVERSAL HISTORY. (New chronology). Book 1. - Moscow, Financial publishing house "Delovoy express", 1999. Re-edition in 2000.

# [PEK]:2 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. RECONSTRUCTION OF THE UNIVERSAL HISTORY. RESEARCH OF 1999-2000. (New chronology). - Moscow, Financial publishing house "Delovoy express", 2000. Reissued in 2000.

# [PEK]:3 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. RECONSTRUCTION OF THE UNIVERSAL HISTORY. JOAN OF ARC, SAMSON AND RUSSIAN HISTORY. - Moscow, Financial publishing house "Delovoy express", 2002.



# [PPM]:1 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Russia and Rome. Do we understand the history of Europe and Asia in a proper way". Volume 1, 2. - Moscow, 1997, publishing house Olimp. Second edition was in 1999. In 2001 the next three volumes of the five-volume edition "RUSSIA AND ROME" were issued in Moscow publishing house Olimp-AST.

# [PPM]:2 G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. «Russia and Rome". Volumes 1, 2. – Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2004. This edition is a considerably revised version of the previous five-volume book «Russia and Rome". A second revised and updated edition of the two-volume book was issued in 2007: volume 1 - "Russia and Rome. (Sensational supposition of the world history)"; volume 2 - "Russia and Rome. (Russia-Horde Empire)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2007.

# [РУСЬ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "Russia. The authentic history of the Great Russia-Horde Empire in the New Chronology". - Moscow, publishing house AST, Astrel, 2009. (A colored edition with many valuable ancient pictures).



# B/1 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Russia and Horde. The Great Empire of the Middle Ages". (Series: New chronology for everybody). - Moscow, publishing house AST, publishing house ASTREL, 2007.

# B/2 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Great Distemper. The end of Empire". (Series: New chronology for everybody). - Moscow, publishing house AST, publishing house ASTREL, 2007.

# B/3 Fomenko A.T. "Four hundred years of fraud. Mathematics lets us look into the past". (Series: New chronology for everybody). - Moscow, publishing house AST, publishing house ASTREL, 2007.

# B/4 Fomenko A.T. "The truth can be calculated. Chronology through the eyes of mathematics". (Series: New chronology for everybody). - Moscow, publishing house AST, publishing house ASTREL, 2007.

# B/5 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Passover. Calendar-astronomical investigation of chronology. Hildebrand and Crescentius. Goth War. (Series: New chronology for everybody). - Moscow, publishing house AST, publishing house ASTREL, 2007.

# B/6 Fomenko A.T. "The Trojan War in the Middle Ages. Analysis of responses on our studies". (Series: New chronology for everybody). - Moscow, publishing house AST, publishing house ASTREL, 2007.

# B/7 Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "The Tartar Mongol Yoke: who was the winner". – Moscow, publishing house AST, publishing house ASTREL, 2008. (Series: New chronology for everybody ").

# B/10 G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko <<Piebald Horde. The history of "ancient" China>>. (Series: New chronology for everybody). - Moscow, publishing house AST, publishing house ASTREL, 2009.



#M/1 G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. <<"Animal number". When the Apocalypse was written>>. (Series "New chronology: small range"). - Moscow, publishing house ASTREL, AST, 2009.

#M/2 G.V.Nosovskiy. "Calculation of years from Jesus and calendar disputes". (Series "New chronology: small range "). - Moscow, publishing house ASTREL, AST, 2009.

#M/3 G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "Ivan the Terrible and Peter the Great. Fictional tsar and spurious tsar". (Series "New chronology: small range "). - Moscow, publishing house ASTREL, AST, 2009.



# [СТАМ] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "Istanbul in the light of new chronology". - Moscow, publishing house "Veche", 2004.

# [МОСК] G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko. "Moscow in the light of new chronology". - Moscow, publishing house "Veche", 2004.

# [АНС] A.T.Fomenko. "Antiquity is the Middle Ages". – St. Petersburg, publishing house "Neva", OLMA MEDIA GROUP, 2005.

# [DVD] "New Chronology of Fomenko-Nosovskiy. 2006". DVD-disk. CD-ROM for Windows. LLC "Cyril and Methodius". Moscow, 2006.

# [ФЛМ]:1 Film 1: "Do we know our history?" Series: History: science or fiction? Following "New chronology» of Fomenko-Nosovskiy. - LLC "Godland Pictures", Moscow, 2008. DVD-disk (52 min).

# [ФЛМ]:2 Film 2: "What history is based on". Series: History: science or fiction? Following "New chronology» of Fomenko-Nosovskiy. - LLC "Godland Pictures", Moscow, 2008. DVD-disk (52 min).

# [ФЛМ]:4 Film 4: "Alchemy of pyramids or how they built in Ancient Egypt". Series: History: science or fiction? Following "New chronology» of Fomenko-Nosovskiy. - LLC "Godland Pictures", Moscow, 2008. DVD-disk (52 min).

# [ФЛМ]:6 Film 6: "Lord Novgorod the Great. Who are you?". Series: History: science or fiction? Following "New chronology» of Fomenko-Nosovskiy. - LLC "Godland Pictures", Moscow, 2008. DVD-disk (52 min).

# [ФЛМ]:7 Film 7: "Kulikovo field. Battle for Moscow". Series: History: science or fiction? Following "New chronology» of Fomenko-Nosovskiy. - LLC "Godland Pictures", Moscow, 2008. DVD-disk (52 min).



List of books, which are closely connected with our studies and published with our participation.

# 1) Nikerov V.A. "History as hard science". (Following A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovskiy. New chronology). - Moscow, EKMO-PRESS, "Yauza", 2002.

# 2) Nikerov V.A. "Unexpected Julius Caesar ". (Following A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovskiy. New chronology). - Moscow, EKMO-PRESS, "Yauza"", 2003.

# 3) Savelyev E.P. "Ancient history of the cossacks". Reissue of the book of E.P. Savelyev "Ancient history of the Cossacks", Novocherkassk, 1915. Foreword, comments and composition by A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovskiy. - Moscow, publishing house "Veche", 2002.

# 4) Tabov Y. "When Kiev Russia was christianised?" – St.Petersburg, "Neva", 2003. Foreword by A.T.Fomenko and G.V.Nosovskiy.

# 5) As our studies attracted attention to the problems of chronology, in 1997-1998 Moscow publishing house Kraft at our initiative republished a fundamental work of N.A.Morozov "Christ", which for the first time was published in 1924-1932: Morozov N.A. " Christ. (History of mankind in the natural scientific interpretation)". Volumes 1-7. - Moscow, "Kraft".

Also at our initiative the eighth volume of Russian history studies of Morozov was published for the first time. A manuscript of this volume was taken by A.T.Fomenko from the archive of the RAS.

# 6) Newton Isaac. "Improved chronology of the ancient kingdoms. - Moscow, publishing house RIMIS, 2007. Foreword of G.V.Nosovskiy.




Some internet sites with information on new chronology:

chronologia.org (official site of New Chronology project)





Starting from 1980, long before the issue of our first books on chronology (the first book of A.T.Fomenko on this subject was published in 1990), our works were published in scientific magazines and specialized editions. These works were mainly devoted to creation and use of new dating methods.

# [н1] Fomenko A.T. "About calculation of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation ". – Problems of mechanics of managed movement. Hierarchical systems. Interuniversity collection of scientific works. - Perm, 1980, pp.161-166.

# [н2] Fomenko A.T. "Some statistical regularities of information density distribution in texts with a scale". – Semiotics and informatics. M., publishing house VINITY, issue15, 1980, pp.99-124.

# [н3] Postnikov M.M., Fomenko A.T. "New methods of statistical analysis of narrative-numerical material of the ancient history". - M., Scientific council on complex problem "Cybernetics", AS of the USSR, 1980, pp.1-36.

# [н3] Fomenko A.T. <<The jump of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation>>. - Celestial Mechanics. 1981, Vol.29. pp.33-40.

# [н4] Fomenko A.T. "Informative functions and connected with them statistical regularities". - Theses from reports of the 3rd International Vilnius conference on the probability theory and mathematical statistics. - Vilnius, Institute of mathematics and cybernetics of the AS of the Lithuanian SSR, 1981. Volume 2, pp.211-212.

# [н5] Fomenko A.T. "Methods of identification of duplicates and some applications". –
RAS of the USSR, 1981. Vol.258, No.6, pp.1326-1330.

# [н6] Fomenko A.T. "About characteristics of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation and connected with it statistical regularities". – Issues of numerical and applied mathematics. Collection of scientific works. Editorial-publishing Council of the AS of the Uzbek SSR. Tashkent, 1981. Issue 63, pp.136-150.

# [н7] Fomenko A.T. "Calculation of the second derivative of the Moon's elongation and statistical regularities in distribution of some astronomical data". – Studies of operations and ACS. Kiev, publishing house of Kiev university, 1982. Issue 20, pp.98-113.

# [н8] Fomenko A.T. "On mystifications". - Magazine "Technique and science", 1982, No.11, pp.26-29.

# [н9] Postnikov M.M., Fomenko A.T. "New methods of statistical analysis of narrative-numerical material of the ancient history". – Scholar notes of Tartu university. Works on signs systems. XV, Culture typology, mutual impact of cultures. Tartu, publishing house of Tartu university, 1982, issue 576, pp.24-43.

# [н10] Fomenko A.T. "New empirical- statistical method of sorting texts and applications to dating tasks". – RAS of the USSR, 1983, vol.268, No.6, pp.1322-1327.

# [н11] Fomenko A.T. "About geometry of distribution of integral points in hyper fields". – Works of the seminar on vector and tensor analysis. M.: publishing house of the MSU, 1983. Issue 21, pp.106-152.

# [н12] Fomenko A.T. "Author invariant of Russian literary texts". – Methods of quality analysis of narrative sources texts. �.: Institute of history of the USSR (AS USSR), 1983, pp.86-109.

# [н13] Fomenko A.T. "Global chronological map". - "Chemistry and life", 1983, No.11, pp.85-92.

# [н14] Fomenko A.T. "New methods of chronologically correct sorting of texts and applications to the tasks of dating of ancient events". - Studies of operations and ACS. Kiev: publishing house of the Kiev University, 1983, issue 21, pp.40-59.

# [н15] Fomenko A.T. "Methods of statistical processing of parallels in chronological texts and global chronological map". - Studies of operations and ACS. Kiev: publishing house of Kiev university, 1983, issue 22, pp.40-55.

# [н16] Fedorov V.V., Fomenko A.T. "Statistical evaluation of chronological nearness of historical texts". – Problems of steadiness of stochastic models. Works of the seminar. M.: ASSRISR(All-Soviet Scientific-Research Institute of System Research) , 1983, p.101-107. English translation: Fedorov V.V., Fomenko A.T. Statistical Estimation of Chronological Nearness of Historical Texts. - Journal of Soviet Math., 1986, v.32, No.6, pp.668-675.

# [н17] Fomenko A.T. "Statistical method of analysis of frequencies attenuation in chronological texts and applications to global chronology". - Studies of operations and ACS. Kiev: publishing house of Kiev university, 1984, issue 24, pp.49-66.

# [н18] Fomenko A.T. "New empirical-statistical method of identification of parallelisms and dating of duplicates". – Problems of steadiness of stochastic models. Works of the seminar. M.: ASSRISR 1984, pp.154-177.

# [н19] Fomenko A.T. "Frequency matrix and their use in statistical processing of narrative sources". – Theses of reports of the conference "Complex methods in the study of history from the Ancient time to our days". Commission on the use of natural science methods in archeology. M.: Institute of History of the USSR (AS USSR), 1984, pp.135-136.

# [н20] Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "About determining initial structures in mixed sequences". - Works of the seminar on vector and tensor analysis. M.: publishing house of the MSU, 1985, issue.22, pp.119-131.

# [н21] Fomenko A.T. "Informative functions and related statistical regularities". - Statistics. Probability. Economics. Series: Scholar notes on statistics. M., Nauka, 1985, issue49, pp.335-342.

# [н22] Fomenko A.T. "Duplicates in mixed sequences and principle of frequencies attenuation ". – Theses of reports of the 4th International conference on the probability theory and mathematical statistics. Vilnius, Institute of mathematics and cybernetics, AS of the Lithuanian SSR, 1985, vol.3, pp.246-248.

# [н23] Kalashnikov V.V., Rachev S.T., Fomenko A.T. "New methods of comparison of the volume functions of historical texts". – Problems of steadiness of stochastic models. Works from the seminar. M.: ASSRISR, 1986, pp.33-45.

# [н24] Fomenko A.T. "New empirico-statistical dating methods and statistics of certain astronomical data". – Theses from the First Global Congress of the Society of mathematical statistics and probability theory n. a. Bernoulli. M., Nauka, 1986, vol.2, p.892.

# [н25] Fomenko A.T., Morozova L.E. "Some issues of the methods of statistical processing of the sources with annual statement". – Mathematics in the study of medieval narrative sources. M., Nauka, 1986, pp.107-129.

# [н26] Morozova L.E., Fomenko A.T. <<Numerical methods in "macro-textology" (in terms of the monuments of "distemper" of the end of XVI – beginning of XVII centuries)>>. – Complex methods in study of historical processes. M.: Institute of History of the USSR, AS USSR, 1987, pp.163-181.

# [н27] Fomenko A.T. "Identification of dependences and laminated structures in narrative texts". – Problems of steadiness of stochastic models. Works from the seminar. M.: ASSRISR, 1987, pp.33-45.

# [н28] Fomenko A.T. "Duplicates in mixed sequences and a frequency duplication principle. Methods and applications". - Probability Theory and �athematical Statistics. Proceeding of the Fourth Vilnius Conference (24-29 June 1985) - VNU Science Press, Utrecht, Netherlands, 1987, v.16, pp.439-465.

# [н29] G.V.Nosovskiy. Methods of statistical formalization as applied to Russian medieval sources. – Theses from the reports and messages of scientific meeting "Complex methods in historical studies". Moscow, February 3-5, 1988. �.: Institute of History of the USSR, AS USSR, 1987, pp. 178-180.

# [н30] Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Some methods and results of analysis of mixed sequences". – Works from the seminar on vector and tensor analysis. M., publishing house of the MSU, 1988, vol 23, pp.104-121.

# [н31] Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Geometry of mobile star configurations and dating of Almagest". – Problems of steadiness of stochastic models. Works of the seminar. M., ASSRISR, 1988, pp.59-78.

# [н32] Fomenko A.T. "Empirico-Statistical Methods in Ordering Narrative Texts". - International Statistical Review. 1988. Vol.566, No.3, pp.279-301.

# [н33] Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. <<Statistical analysis and dating of observations, on which star catalogue of Almagest is based>>. – Theses of the reports from the 5th International conference on the probability theory and mathematical statistics. Vilnius, Institute of mathematics and cybernetics of the AS of the Lithuanian SSR, 1989, vol.3, pp.271-272.

# [н34] Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Dating of Almagest by variable star configurations". – Reports of the AS USSR, 1989, vol.307, No.4, pp.829-832. English translation: Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. "Dating the Almagest by variable star configurations". - Soviet Phys. Dokl. vol.34, 1989, No.8, pp.666-668.

# [н35] Nosovskiy G.V. "Some statistical research methods of historical sources and examples of their use". – Methods of study of sources on the history of Russian social thinking of the period of feudalism. Collection of scientific works. M., Institute of History of the USSR, AS USSR. 1989, �.181-196.

# [н36] Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Construction of a proximity measure and identification of duplicates in chronological lists".- Theses from the reports of the 5th International conference on the probability theory and mathematical statistics. - Vilnius, Institute of mathematics and cybernetics, AS of the Lithuanian SSR, 1989, vol.4, pp.111-112.

# [н37] Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Statistical duplicates in regulated lists with partition". – Issues of cybernetics. Semiotic studies. - M., 1989. Scientific council on complex problem "Cybernetics". AS USSR, pp.138-148.

# [н38] Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Identification of duplicates in chronological lists (method of frequency bar chart of diversification of connected names)". – Problems of steadiness of stochastic models. Works from the seminar. Moscow, ASSRISR, 1989, pp.112-125.

# [н39] Rachev S.T., Fomenko A.T. "Functions of the volumes of historical texts and principle of amplitude correlation". – Methods of study of sources on the history of Russian social thinking of the period of feudalism. Collection of scientific works. M., Institute of History of the USSR (AS USSR), 1989, pp.161-180.

# [н40] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. <<When was Ptolemy's star catalogue in "Almagest" compiled in reality?>> - Preprint, No.1989-04, ISSN 0347-2809. Dept. of Math. Chalmers Univ. of Technology, The University of Goteborg. Sweden.

# [н41] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. <<When was Ptolemy's star catalogue in "Almagest" compiled in reality? Statistical Analysis>>. - Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989. Vol.17, pp.203-229.

# [н42] Fomenko A.T. "Mathematical Statistics and Problems of Ancient Chronology. A New Approach". - Acta Applicandae Mathematical. 1989. Vol.17, pp.231-256.

# [н43] Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. <<Retrospective analysis of star catalogue of Almagest and the task of its dating>>. Preprint. - �.: ASSRISR, 1990, - 60 pages.

# [н44] Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. <<Numerical analysis of star catalogue of "Almagest">>. Preprint. - �.: ASSRISR, 1990, - 62 pages.

# [н45] Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. <<Dating of star catalogue of "Almagest ">>. Preprint. - �.: ASSRISR, 1990, volume 58 pages.

# [н46] Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Mathematics dates Ptolemy's star catalogue". - "Suppositions, forecasts. Future of science". International year book. 1990, issue 23. Moscow, publishing house "Znaniye", pp.78-92.

# [н47] Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. <<Statistical analysis of star catalogue of "Almagest ">>. – Reports of the AS USSR. 1990, vol.313, No.6, pp.1315-1320.

# [н48] Fomenko A.T. "Statistical chronology". - M., Znaniye, 1990. New in life, science, technique. Series: Mathematics, Cybernetics. No.7.

# [н49] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. <<Statistical analysis and dating of the observations on which Ptolemy's "Almagest" star catalogue is based>>. - In: Probability theory and mathematical statistics. Proc.of the Fifth Vilnius Conference. 1990, Moklas, Vilnius, Lithuania; VSP, Utrecht, The Netherlands, vol.1, pp.360-374.

# [н50] Fomenko A.T., Rachev S.T. "Volume Functions of Historical Texts and the Amplitude Correlation Principle". - Computers and the Humanities. 1990. vol.24, pp.187-206.

# [н51] Nosovskiy G.V. "About the beginning of Common Era and Julian calendar". – Informational processes and systems. Scientific-technical information. Series 2. Moscow, VINITI, 1992, No.5, pp.7-18.

# [н52] Fomenko A.T., Kalashnikov V.V., Nosovsky G.V. <<The dating of Ptolemy's Almagest based on the coverings of the stars and on lunar eclipses>>. - Acta Applicandae Mathematicae. 1992. vol.29, pp.281-298.

# [н53] Nosovskiy G.V.<<When famous First Oecumenical Council took place? When "Anna Domini" Era started?>> - Appendix to the book of A.T. Fomenko "Global chronology". Moscow, the MSU, publishing house of the mechanical-mathematical faculty of the MSU, 1993, pp.288-394.

# [н54] Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Statistical studies of eventive and biographical parallels based on English chronology and history". – Semiotics and informatics. Moscow, VINITI. Issue 34, 1994, pp.205-233.

# [н55] G.V. Nosovskiy. Julian calendar and dating of the Nicene Council. – Science and mankind. International year book. 1992-1994. M.: Znaniye, 1994, pp. 20-31.

# [н56] Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. "Mathematical-statistical models of information distribution in historical chronicles". – Mathematical issues of cybernetics, M., Nauka, Fizmatlit. 1996, issue 6, pp.71-116.

# [н57] Kellin N.S., Nosovskiy G.V., Fomenko A.T. <<Question about the identity of «Ancient Russian history" of M.V.Lomonosov. Lomonosov or Miller?>> - Newsletter of the Moscow University. Series 9: Philology. No.1, 1999, pp.116-125.

# [н58] Nosovskiy G., Fomenko A. "Old critics and new chronology". - Magazine "Neva", St.Petersburg, No 2, 1999, pp.143-158.

# [н59] Fomenko A.T., Nosovskiy G.V. "Demagogic discourse instead of scientific analysis". - Magazine "Newsletter of the Russian Academy of Sciences ", vol.9, No 9, 2000, pp.797-800.

# [н60] Fomenko A.T., Nosovskiy G.V. <<About "Novgorod datings" of A.A. Zaliznyak and V.L. Yanin>>. - "Newsletter of the Russian Academy of Sciences ", vol.72, No.2, 2002, pp.134-140.