A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy
After Christ. The Trojan war. Foundation of Rome


At the beginning of 2004 our book "Tsar of the Slavs" was issued. In it we started a detailed study of one of the most ancient, according to the new chronology, epochs of our history – the epoch of Christ. Andronicus-Christ, as we showed, lived in the XII century A.D. We remind that, according to the new chronology, the reach in events written history of the mankind started only from the XIV century A.D. Of course, we speak not about events in general, but about those events, written evidences about which reached us.

The earlier time of the X-XIII centuries – it is the most ancient period of our written history. We got data only about the brightest events of that time. We remind that according to the system of chronological shifts, opened by A.T.FOMENKO in the 70s, see. [���1], the earliest epoch, from which the backwashes of the written evidences are available, - it is the TENTH century A.D. Only starting from around 900 A.D. the written history of the past starts "to revive". And only starting from 1300 there was a rather solid stream of information, which reached us from the past.

In our works on reconstruction of the history, written before 2004 and, in particular, in the summarizing seven volumes "Chronology", there is a detailed description of reconstruction of the events of the XIV-XVI centuries, based on the new chronology, received with application of the natural-scientific methods to the whole volume of historical material, covering the ancient and medieval history of the mankind.

In our reconstruction, in particular, the mentioned above time border - 1300 A.D. became clear. Around that time a huge widening of the Great = "Mongol" Empire took place. After this most of the reached us primary sources were created. That's why the time before 1300 was lightened by the sources much worse, than the following "empire" epoch of the XIV-XVII centuries. We with full reason can say that the period before the XIII-XIV centuries, that is before the great = "Mongol" conquest, is the most ancient epoch of our history. Considerably much less information from this epoch reached us and nobody studied it well before. First it was necessary to study a huge volume of historical data, related to the Great = "Mongol" Empire of the XIV-XVII centuries. This work was actually finished by us only in 2003.

In 2003-2004 we started the studies, devoted to the roots of the Empire, which is the epoch of the XII-XIII centuries. The first book of the new cycle - "Tsar of the Slavs" tells about the recently received by us and already final dating of the Birth of Christ with 1152 A.D. We provided the bright worldly variants of description of the evangelic events. A connection between the history of Christianity and the history of the Empire became rather clear.

The present book actually continues the book "Tsar of the Slavs" and is the second book of the series about the history of the XII-XIV centuries in the light of new chronology.

In the first chapters we supplement and deepen our reconstruction of the epoch of Christ, proposed in the book "Tsar of the Slavs". In particular, for the first time the worldly variants of the life story of John the Baptist are thoroughly studied. It rather unexpectedly appears that John the Baptist appears on the pages of the worldly chronicles as the famous "antique" Roman speaker Cicero. Other important reflections of John the Baptist are also found. In particular, biblical prophet Isaiah. The famous "Sibylline books" come to the same layer of historical data.

In addition to our analysis of the "ancient"-Greek myths, stated in the book "Tsar of the Slavs", a myth about Argonauts is studied in the present book. It appears that it contains a considerable layer of events, related to Christ. The myths about Jason, Medea and other heroes of the campaign of Argonauts become clearer now.

Next we indicate a number of new, not included in the book "Tsar of the Slavs", worldly reflections of Christ and his coevals in the Russian history. The issue is, in particular, about the first great Russian princes Igor and Oleg. The chronicle news about them, as appeared, included some data about Christ. The same is related to Haskuldr and Dir from the Russian chronicles. As appeared, a beginning of the Russian chronicles contains many hidden mentions of Christ.

"Antique" Antonius and Cleopatra appear in a new light. It appears that they are also personages of the evangelic epoch of the XII century.

Further we turn to the next epoch and tell about the time AFTER CHRIST. The issue is about the events of several first decades after the crucifixion of Christ in 1185. In the Scaligerian wrong count of years the first half of the FIRST century A.D. This is the epoch of allegedly two thousand years ancientry. According to the new chronology the events took place much later, around 800 years ago. As we found out, the following famous heroes of our history acted at that time.

# Paul the Apostle. As appeared, he is directly connected with the Crusades of the XII-XIII centuries.

# The great prince Svyatoslav.

# The great princess Olga and tsarina Helen, a mother of Konstantin the Great.

# "Antique" Achilles – the famous hero of the Trojan war.

# The famous heroes of the German-Scandinavian epos – Siegfried and Valkyrie Brunhilde. God Odin, Nibelungs, "the Rhinegold".

# "Antique" Aeneas, founding the Roman stardom, and his descendants – Romulus and Rem.

# A Varangian Rurik (he is also Aeneas), who was called to Russia to govern and founded the Russian tsardom. Here we finally explain the famous legend about the calling of Varangians to Russia.


Our reconstruction appears as a result of reading of the old primary sources in the light of new datings. That's why we always underline that the base of our studies is exactly the CHRONOLOGY, not just reading and explanation of the sources. The chronology is established by us by means of the precise natural-scientific methods. As for the "historical body", built up by us on "the chronological skeleton", of course, here we can't answer for a full reliability of our conclusions and suppositions. As it seems us, in general they are reasoned. Although, of course, details will be clarified. An important result of our work, as we showed, is that the ancient primary sources really ALLOW A READING, AGREED WITH THE NEW CHRONOLOGY. That's why the new chronology works not as a theoretic construction, "a mind game", but �s the main working instrument in restoration of the correct history.

In the last time more and more often some readers try to catch only linguistic considerations from our books. And, as it seems them, based on the similar discussions, to build their own historical theory. The others, instead, furiously condemn us exactly "for linguistics". We repeat once again that linguistics is not a method of study of chronology. And it can't serve even as an independent method of analysis of the history. In other words, based on the linguistic reasonings, one can build neither a correct chronology nor a reasoned reconstruction of the history. A sequence of reasonings should be absolutely different. First, by means of precise methods – mathematical, astronomical and others – independent datings are searched and the correct sequence of historical events is determined. Only after this comes the time of reading of the ancient chronicles in correspondence with the established chronology. Only at this last stage linguistic considerations acquire sense. They are rather unstable in their nature and unable to prove anything.

Our reconstruction of the history, compared to the chronological results, is yet a suppositional one. Nevertheless, we think that it is useful and opens a way to correct understanding of the history.

We realize that many people, who are accustomed to absolutely different history, may don't like our studies. Due to purely emotional considerations. For example, because we touch the history of religion. We underline that our studies don't touch the issues of belief. Neither the church dogmas nor the basics of the beliefs are considered in our studies. We speak only about chronology and history. Having attentively read our books, a reader should understand that we DON'T ENTER THE RELIGIOUS FIELD.

In the present book we often refer to our seven volumes "Chronology. First Canon", containing a fundament of the New Chronology and published in 2004-2006 by publishing house RIMIS, Moscow. The seven volumes consist of the following books: "Foundations of the history", "Methods", "Stars", "New chronology of Russia", "Empire", "Biblical Russia", "Reconstruction". See ����1, ����2, ... , ����7 in the list of literature.

We are thankful to N.D.Gostev and T.N.Fomenko for useful ideas and help in search and processing of the sources.

A.T.FOMENKO, G.V.Nosovskiy
Moscow, Lomonosov Moscow State University