A general list of the literature used by us in studies on chronology replenished continuously. In this book, we only needed a part of the list. We have retained the numbers under which the literature cited here is listed in general list.
Books on New Chronology have been published since 1990 (the first publications Fomenko, A.T. and his colleagues in scientific journals began to appear in 1980). However, the list of our books on this subject is in the 7 volumes series of "Chronology," completed by us in 2003 and covering (in a generalized and revised form) all our Studies in chronology carried out before 2003.
# CHRON1: Fomenko, A.T. <<BASIS OF HISTORY. (Introduction to the problem. Criticism of Scaliger chronology. Zodiacs. Horoscopes. Eclipses. Astronomical dating of the Apocalypse. Astronomy in the Old Testament. "Dark Ages" of medieval history)>>. One book. - Moscow, publishing house Rimis, 2005. English translation: Anatoly T. Fomenko. "History: Fiction or Science?" Chronology 1. - Delamere Publishing, Paris-London-New York, 2003. Bulgarian translation: Fomenko, A.T. "Nova chronologia na istoria. (Senzatsionni razkritiya za greshki v datiraneto. Ustanovleny mathematichesky i astronomichesky methodi)". Volumes 1, 2. - Bulgaria, Sofia, 2009, publishing house Siela.
# CHRON2: Fomenko, A.T. "METHODS. (Mathematical-statistical methods dating. Global chronological map. Identification of the ancients and medieval dynasties. Trojan War in the XIII century AD. Rome. Greece. Bible. The main shifts in chronology. Reflection of evangelical events of the XII century AD in the Roman history of the XI century AD) ". In two books. - Moscow, publishing house Rimis. 2005. English translation: Anatoly T. Fomenko. "History: Fiction or Science?" Chronology 2. - Delamere Publishing, Paris-London-New York, 2005. Italian translation: Anatolij Fomenko. <<400 Anni d'Inganni. E se il nostro passato fosse tutta "un'altra storia"?>> Dall'ideatore della Nuova Cronologia. - Macro Edizioni un marchio del Gruppo Editoriale Macro. 2014. Italy. Serbian translation: Фоменко А.Т. СТАТИСТИЧКА ХРОНОЛОГИJА. МАТЕМАТИЧКИ ПОГЛЕД НА ИСТОРИJУ. У КОМ СМО ВЕКУ? - Београд, Марго-арт, 1997.
# CHRON3-а: Fomenko, A.T., Kalashnikov, V.V., Nosovskiy, G.V. "STARS. (Astronomical methods in chronology. Ptolemy's Almagest. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. Egyptian Zodiacs)". - Moscow, publishing house Rimis, 2006. (The first part of the third volume of the "Chronology"). English translation: Anatoly T. Fomenko, Tatiana N. Fomenko, Vladimir V. Kalashnikov, Gleb V. Nosovskiy, "History: Fiction or Science?" Chronology 3. - Delamere Publishing, Paris-London-New York, 2007.
# CHRON3-b: Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V., Fomenko T.N. "STARS. (Astronomical methods in chronology.) Ptolemy's Almagest. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. Egyptian Zodiacs). "- Moscow, publishing house Rimis, 2006. (The second part of the third volume of the "Chronology"). English translation: Anatoly T. Fomenko, Tatiana N. Fomenko, Vladimir V. Kalashnikov, Gleb V. Nosovskiy. "History: Fiction or Science?" Chronology 3. - Delamere Publishing, Paris-London-New York, 2007.
# CHRON4: Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "NEW CHRONOLOGY OF RUSSIA. (Rus. England. Byzantium. Rome). " In three books - Moscow, Publishing House Rimis, 2004. English translation: Anatoly T. Fomenko, Gleb V. Nosovskiy. "History: Fiction or Science?" Chronology 4. - Delamere Publishing, Paris-London-New York, 2007.
# CHRON5: Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "EMPIRE. (Great Conquest. Rus-Horde. Osmania = Atamania. Europe. China. Japan. The Etruscans. Egypt. Scandinavia)". In two books - Moscow, Publishing House Rimis, 2004.
# CHRON6: Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "BIBLICAL RUSSIA. (World medieval Ordynian-Ataman Empire. Bible. Conquest of the Earth promised. America. Reformation. Calendar and Easter)". In four books. - Moscow, publishing house Rimis, 2004.
# CHRON7: Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "RECONSTRUCTION. (Reconstruction of the general history. Novgorod Khans - Habsburgs. The Legacy of the Great Empire in the history and culture of Eurasia and America)". In three books. - Moscow, publishing house Rimis, 2005.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
# [NXE] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "NEW CHRONOLOGY OF EGYPT. Astronomical dating of monuments of Ancient Egypt. Research 2000-2002". - Moscow, Vetche, 2002. Revised edition: Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST. 2007.
# [IND] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "NEW CHRONOLOGY OF INDIA. Studies of 2002-2003". - Moscow, publishing house "Business Express", 2004. In a substantially revised form this book was published under the title "Cossacks-arians: from Russia to India". See next paragraph.
# [KAZ] Fomenko, A.T. , Nosovskiy, G.V. "COSSACKS-ARIANS: FROM RUSSIA TO INDIA. (Kulikovo battle in Mahabharata. "Ship of Fools" and mutiny of Reformation. Veles book. New dating of the zodiacs. Irish stories)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST. 2007.
# [CSTR] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "OLD MAPS OF THE GREAT RUSSIAN EMPIRE. (Ptolemy and Ortelius in the light of the new chronology)". - St. Petersburg, the publishing house "Neva", OLMA Mediagroup, 2004.
# [CRC] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "THE KING OF SLAVS". - St. Petersburg, Publishing house "Neva", 2004. Revised edition: Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST. 2007. See English translation on the English page of the site
# [NOR] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "THE BEGINNING OF ORDA RUSSIA. (After Christ. The Trojan War. Founding of Rome)". - Moscow, publishing house AST, "Unknown planet", 2005.
# [JEEE] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "ANCIENT ZODIACS OF EGYPT AND EUROPE. (Dating from 2003-2004)"- Moscow, publishing house Vetche, 2005.
# [KR] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "BAPTISM OF RUSSIA. (Paganism and Christianity. The Baptism of the Empire. Constantine the Great - Dmitry Donskoy. Kulikovo battle in the Bible. Sergius of Radonezh - the inventor firearms. Dating carpet from Bayeux)".- Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2006.
# [EA] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "EGYPTIAN ALBUM. A glance at monuments of Ancient Egypt: from Napoleon to the New Chronology".- Moscow, publishing house "Rimis", 2006.
# [CREAM] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. <<THE ROYAL ROME IN THE INTERFLUVE OF THE OKA RIVER AND THE VOLGA. (New information about the Virgin Mary and Andronicus-Christ, the Holocaust War of the Novgorodians, Dmitri Donskoy and Mamai, Alexander Nevsky and Ice Battle in the pages of the ancient "History of Rome" by Titus Livy and on the pages of the Old Testament)>>. - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2006.
# [ZI] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "FORGOTTEN JERUSALEM. (Istanbul in the light of a new chronology)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2007.
# [GR] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. <<CHRIST AND RUSSIA through the eyes of the "ancient" Greeks. (New information on Andronicus-Christ, John the Baptist, the Apostle Paul, Judas Iscariot, and the Crusades Russia-Horde. These pieces of evidence, as it turns out, form the basis of the main books of Herodotus, Plutarch, Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato and Aristophanes)>>. – Moscow, Publishing House Astrel, AST, 2008.
# [FOR] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. <<THE CONQUEST OF AMERICA BY ERMAK-CORTES and the rebellion of the Reformation by the eyes of the "ancient" Greeks. (New information about the Battle of Kulikovo, about Ivan the Terrible and the history of Esther, about the famous expedition of the ataman-conquistador Ermak-Cortes and the Great Smoot in the Empire of the XVI-XVII centuries. part of the "ancient" works of Herodotus, Plutarch and Thucydides) >>. - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2009.
# [PE] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "LOST GOSPELS: New Testimonies of Andronicus-Christ. (The famous Pythagoras, the god Apollo, the Wonderworker Apollonius, the Old Testament patriarchs Esau, Jacob, and also Job and the prophet Isaiah are the reflections of Christ)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2008.
# [RI] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. <<THE SPLIT OF THE EMPIRE: from Grozny-Nero to Mikhail Romanov-Domitian. (The famous "antique" writings of Suetonius, Tacitus, and Flavius, it turns out, describe the Great Russian Empire and the Reformation of the XVI-XVII centuries)>>. - Moscow, Publishing House Astrel, AST, 2009.
# [ХР] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "CHRIST WAS BORN, MOTHER OF DIED IN THE CRIMEA". (The Holy Grail is the Cradle of Jesus, long kept in the Crimea). King Arthur is a reflection of Christ and Dmitry Donskoy)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2009.
# [HRC] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "HERCULES. (Myths about Hercules are legends about Andronicus-Christ, recorded in the XVI century)". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2009.
# [RCP] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "PROPHET OF THE CONQUEROR". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2009.
# [ZERFI] Fomenko, A.T., Nosovskiy, G.V. "ZODIACS OF EGYPT, RUSSIA, ITALY". - Moscow, publishing house Astrel, AST, 2009.
# [SHAH] A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. <<SHAHNAME: Iranian chronicle of the Great Empire of the XII-XVII centuries. Andronicus-Christ idem Andrei Bogolyubsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Sergius of Radonezh (idem Berthold Schwartz), Ivan the Terrible, Elena Voloshanka, Dmitry "Pretender," Marina Mniszek and Suleiman the Magnificent on the pages the famous Epos Shahname. >> - M., Astrel, AST, 2010.
# [BAT] A.T. Fomenko, G.V. Nosovsky. "VATICAN. (The Zodiac Astronomy. Istanbul and the Vatican. Chinese horoscopes. Research 2008-2010) "- M., Astrel, AST, 2010
# [SHEK] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. "WHAT ABOUT WROTE SHAKESPEARE. From Hamlet - Christ to King Lear - Ivan Grozny "- M., Astrel, AST, 2011.
# [KAKBYLO] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. “THAT IS HOW IT REALLY WAS.
# [KAABA] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. <<That is how it really was. A MIRACLE IN RUSSIA NEAR KAZAN. The First Kaaba was in Russia near Kazan. Here, Moses sprung water from the rock. Famous "ancient" Delphi with the Oracle were located in the Crimea, at Cape Fiolent, where Christ was born>>. - M. Publishers AST, 2013.
# [FST] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. <<That is how it really was. DOCTOR FAUST. Christ through the eyes of Antichrist. The ship "Vase".>> - M., publishing house AST, 2014.
# [DON] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. "That is how it really was. DON QUIXOTE OR IVAN THE TERRIBLE. "- M., publishing house AST, 2015.
# [BHV] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. "That is how it really was. GOD OF WAR. Ancient Egypt: where everything began. The emergence of agriculture and the State. Gold. Wedding of the Virgin with Joseph-Gor-Mars. "- Moscow, publishing house AST, 2015.
# [PPSS] A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. "That is how it really was. THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE HOLY FAMILY. Historical path of the ancient ruling house of the Great Empire: the beginning in Egypt, sunrise in Russia, sunset in Indochina. The Baptism of China. Thai Judea. Tomb of the Apostle Thomas in Singapore. "- Moscow, publishing house AST, 2016.
# [BDKR] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. "That is how it really was. BUDDHA AND KRISHNA ARE THE REFLECTIONS OF CHRIST. "- Moscow, AST Publ., 2016.
# [KIW] A.T. Fomenko, "That is how it really was. EVERY STORY WANTS TO BE TOLD. My way: Donetsk, Magadan, Lugansk, Moscow ". - Moscow, publishing house AST, 2017.
# [ULG] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. "That is how it really was. EULENSPIEGEL AND GULLIVER. Anti Gospel XVI-XVII centuries. "- Moscow, AST Publishing, 2017.
# [USP] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. "That is how it really was. UTOPIAS AND SOCIALISM AS A STRUGGLE AGAINST THE RUS-ORDA. Worshiped and hated. "- Moscow, AST Publishing, 2018.
# [INKI] A.T. Fomenko, G.V.Nosovsky. "That is how it really was. THE INCAS CAME TO AMERICA FROM THE RUS-ORDA. England was also Ordynian colony. "- Moscow, publishing house AST, 2018.
************************************************** *******************
# [2] Abbas Shalabi. "All Egypt, from Cairo to Abu Simbel and Sinai". - The second supplemented Russian edition. Casa Editrice Bonechi, Firence, Italy, 1996.
# [8] "Acts of history, collected and published by the Archaeographical Commission". - St. Petersburg, the printing house of the expedition of collection of the state documents. Volume 1, 2. 1841.
# [37] The Archangel Leonid. "Steel samurai". - Journal article "Magnum, a new weapons magazine". November-December, p.18-21, 1998.
# [39] Archbishop Sergius. "Full months of the East". Volumes 1-3. Vladimir, Typo-Lithography of Parkov V.A. in Vladimir, 1901. Reprinted: Moscow, Church Science Center "Orthodox Encyclopedia", publishing house "Pilgrim", 1997.
# [41] Afanasy Nikitin. "Walking through the Three Seas". - In the book "Monuments the literature of Ancient Russia. The second half of the XV century. "- Moscow, Publishing House "Art literature". 1982.
# [47] Balandin R., Bondarev L. "Nature and civilization". - Moscow, Publishing House Thought, 1988.
# [62] Belyaev L.A. "Ancient monasteries of Moscow according to archeology". - Moscow, Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute of Archeology. Materials and research on archeology in Moscow. Volume 6. 1995.
# [64: 1] Berg L.S. "Discovery of Kamchatka and the expedition of Bering". - Moscow-Leningrad, Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1946.
# [64: 2] Berg L.S. "Essays on the history of Russian geographical discoveries". - Moscow-Leningrad, Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1946.
# [72] Bikerman E. "The Chronology of the Ancient World". - Moscow, Science, 1975. Translated from English: Bickerman E.J. "Chronology of the Ancient World". - Thames & Hudson, London, 1969.
# [73] Birulya Y.N. "Russian Maritime Maps 1701-1750 Copies from originals. (Atlas)". - Compiled by: Head of the 280th Centralized Naval Vehicle Corps captain of the 1st Rank Birulya Y.N. St. Petersburg, the Central Committee of the Navy, 1993.
# [74] "Evangelist: Interpretations on the Holy Gospel of the Blessed One" Theophylact, Archbishop of Bulgaria. Interpretation on the Gospel of Mark. "- St. Petersburg: "P. Soykin's" Publishing House. Reprint. Petersburg, publishing house "Satis", 1993.
# [79] Bogdanov Ivan. "Nomenclature on the Bulgarian city of Khanove". - Bulgaria, Sofia, Publishing House of the Fatherland Front, 1981.
# [83] Bolotov V.V. "Lectures on the history of the ancient church". Volumes 1-4. - Posthumous edition edited by prof. A. Brilliantov. - St. Petersburg, 1907. Reprint edition. Moscow, Savior-Transfiguration The Valaam Monastery, 1994.
# [85] "The Great Soviet Encyclopedia". Volumes 1-51. The second edition. - Moscow: Publishing house Soviet Encyclopedia, 1949-1957.
# [88] "The Great Encyclopedic Dictionary". - Moscow, scientific publishing house "The Great Russian Encyclopedia", 1998.
# [90] Borisovskaya N. "Old engraved maps and plans of the XV-XVIII centuries. Cosmographies, maps of the earth and heaven, plans, guides, battles. From the collection of the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts". - Moscow, Galaxy Publishing House, 1992.
# [96] Brodsky B. "The Heart of the Motherland - the Kremlin". - Moscow, publishing house Fine Arts, 1996.
# [99] Henry Brugge. "History of the Pharaohs". In the translation of Vlastov G.K. - St. Petersburg, Typography Glazunova I.I., 1880. In the series: Annals and monuments ancient peoples. Egypt. English edition: "Egypt under the Pharaohs. A History Derived Entirely from the Monuments". J. Murray, London, 1891.
# [101] Buganov V.I. "Razin and razintsy. Documents, descriptions contemporaries". - Moscow, publishing house Science, 1995.
# [106] Burian Y., Moukhova B. "Mysterious Etruscans". - Moscow, Science, 1970.
# [107] Buseva-Davydova I.L. "Temples of the Moscow Kremlin: shrines and antiquity". - Moscow, International Academic Publishing company "Science", 1997.
# [114] Bychkov V.V. "Russian medieval aesthetics., XI-XVII centuries". - Moscow, publishing house "Thought", 1992.
# [116: 1] Weinstein S., Kriukov M. "Saddle and stirrup". The journal "Knowledge - force". - Moscow, August 1985, pages 24-26.
# [119] Valishevsky K. "The First Romanovs". - Moscow, Kvadrat, 1993.
[125: 1] [Vereshchagin V.] The artist V. Vereshchagin. "Napoleon I in Russia. 1812”. - Tver, Tver Agency "Sozvezdie", 1993.
[125: 2] Vermush G. "Diamonds in world history and the history of diamonds". - Moscow, publishing house "International Relations", 1988.
# [135] G.Vilinbakhov, T.Vilinbakhova "St. George the Victorious. St. George the Victorious in Russia". - St. Petersburg, publishing house "Art-StPb", 1995.
# [136] [Willarduen] Geoffroy de Willarduen. "The Conquest of Constantinople". - Moscow, Science, 1993.
# [151] "World History". In 10 volumes. - Moscow, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, publishing house Socio-economic literature, 1958.
# [152] "The Universal Library of Russia or a catalog of books to describe our Fatherland in all respects and details". The second Addition. - Moscow, 1845.
# [158] "GEO". Monthly magazine. - Moscow, Number 1, January, 2000.
# [160] [Herberstein]. "Baron Sigismund Herberstein. Muscovite affairs". - St. Petersburg, edition of Suvorin A.S., 1908. "Rerum moscoviticarum commentarii". S.l. et d. # [Wien]. {1549}."Rerum
moscoviticarum commentarii". Basiliae, 1551. "Rerum moscoviticarum commentarii". Basiliae, 1556. "Moscovia, der Hauptstat in Reissen". Wien, 1557. "Notes upon Russia". Transl. and ed. R.H.Major. – London Hakluite society. 1851-1852. V.10. P. 1-116; V.12. P.3-174; 2-nd ed.: New York, 1963.
# [161] Herberstein Sigismund. "Notes on Muscovy". - Moscow, Moscow State University, 1988.
# [162] "Coats of arms of cities, provinces, provinces and districts of the Russian Federation The empires included in the complete collection of laws from 1649 to 1900 year". Compiled by P.P. von Winkler - St. Petersburg, edition the book seller Ivanova I.I., 1899. Reprint: Moscow, Publishing House "The Planet", 1990.
# [163] Herodotus. "History". - Leningrad, Science, 1972. English edition: "The History of Herodotus". In series: "Great Books of the Western World". Vol.5. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc. Chicago, The Iniversity of Chicago, 1952 (2nd edition 1990). See also: Herodotus. "The Histories of Herodotus, etc". - Everyman's Library, London and New York, 1964.
# [168] Glazunov I. "Russia is crucified". - The magazine "Our Contemporary", 1996, numbers 1-5, 7-9, 11. Then this material was published in the form a separate book.
# [176] Golubtsov A.P. "From readings on church archeology and liturgy". - St. Petersburg: Statis, 1995.
# [183] Gordeev A.A. "History of the Cossacks". Volumes 1-4. Moscow, Holy Boulevard, 1992.
# [185] "Cities of Russia. Encyclopedia". - Moscow, Great Publishing House Russian Encyclopedia, 1994.
# [186] Gorcej Jerome. "Notes on Russia, XVI - the beginning of XVII centuries". - Moscow, Moscow State University, 1990. English text: A Relacion of Memoriall abstracted owt of Sir Horsey His Travells. London, 1856.
# [187] "The State Armory Chamber". Album. - Moscow, "Soviet artist ", 1988. Reprint: Moscow, publishing house" Galart", 1990.
# [189] "Sovereign friend of his subjects or court political teachings and the moralistic reasoning of the Manchurian and Chinese Khan - Kan-Siya. His son Khan Yong-Jin was collected. "─ St. Petersburg, 1795.
# [193] Grebelsky Peter H., Mirvis Alexander B. "The House of the Romanovs. Biographical information about the members of the reigning house, their ancestors and relatives". - St. Petersburg", LIO Editor ", 1992.
# [194] Gregory Mina. "Uffizi and Pitti, Painting of Florence's Galleries". Album. From the series: Great Museums of the World. - Moscow, publishing house "WORD / SLOVO", 1999. Translation of the Italian edition, Magnus Edizioni Spa, Udine, Italia, 1994, 1996.
# [195] Gregorovius F. "The history of the city of Athens in the Middle Ages". - St. Petersburg, 1900. German edition: Gregorovius F. "Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter". - Stuttgart, 1889.
# [197] Grekov B.D, Yakubovsky A.Yu. "The Golden Horde and its fall". - Moscow, L .: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1950.
# [204] Grigulevich I.R. "History of the Inquisition". - Moscow, Science, 1970.
# [211] Gumilev L.N. "Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe". - M .: Thought, 1992.
# [212] Gumilev L.N. « Searches for a fictional kingdom (the legend of "the state of the presbyter John")”. - Moscow: Tanais, 1994.
# [213] Gumilev L.N. "Huns". ─ SPB, Time-Out-Compass, 1993.
# [215] Gumilev L.N. "Huns in China". - Moscow, Science, 1974.
# [223] Dal V. "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language". - St. Petersburg - Moscow, edition of M.Volf, 1912.
# [224] Dal V. "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language". 4th edition. St. Petersburg, Moscow, edition of M.V. Wolf, 1914. Reprinted: Moscow, "The Citadel," 1998.
# [225] Dahl Vladimir. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language". - Moscow, Gos. Ed. Foreign and national dictionaries, 1956.
# [233] Darkevich V.P. "Argonauts of the Middle Ages". - Moscow, publishing house "Science," 1976.
# [237] Butler I.Kh. "Latin-Russian Dictionary (50000 words)". - Moscow, publishing house "Russian Language," 1976.
# [240] Jelal Essad. "Constantinople (From Byzantium to Istanbul) ". - Edition M. and S. Sabashnikov. M., 1919. French edition: Jalal A. "Constantinople de Byzance a` Stamboul". - Paris, 1909.
# [245] Jua Michele. "History of Chemistry". - Moscow, World, 1975. Translation from Italian: Michele Giua. "Storia della chimica, dell'alchimia alle dottrine moderne". - Chiantore, Torino, 1946; Union Tipografiko-Editrice Torinese, 1962.
# [254] Drboglav D.A. "Riddles of Latin stamps on swords of the 9th-14th centuries". - Moscow, Moscow State University, 1984.
# [257: 1] "Ancient Egypt: Art and Archeology". Russian edition. - White Star Publishers, Vercelli, Italia, 2001.
# [264] Dupuis R. Ernest and Dupuis Trevor N. "The World History of Wars". Harper Encyclopedia of Military History with comments from the publishing house "Polygon". Book 1: 3500 BC - 1400 AD Book 2: 1400 - 1800 years. St. Petersburg - Moscow, publishing house Polygon-AST, MCMXCVII, 1997. Translation from English: The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History. From 3500 B.C. to the Present. R.Ernest Dupuy and Trevor N.Dupuy. Harper Collins Publishers.
# [276] Zhivkovi (h) Branislav. "Spozmeni Srpskog Slicks Middle Aries The century. 4. Zhicha. Crescia Fresaca". - Republican Plant for Zastita Spolenika Kulture. Beograd, 1985. "Les monuments de la Peinture Serbe Me'die'vale "4. Branislav Zivkovic". Zica. Les dessins des fresques ". Institut pour la protection des monuments historiques de la Republique de Serbie. Beogrd, 1985.
# [291] Zamarovsky V. "Secrets of the Hittites". - M., Science, 1968.
# [298] Zenkovsky S.A. "Russian Old Believers". Spiritual Movements of the seventeenth century. " M .: Church, 1995.
# [305] "Jerusalem in Russian culture". Digest of articles. - Moscow, Science, 1994.
# [306: 1] "Image of the Earth's globe". Russian map from the series "Rarities of Russian cartography". (The date of compilation on the map is not specified. Publishers refer it to the middle of the XVIII century, see the annotation). - Moscow. Cartographic Association "Kartair", 1996.
# [308] "Icon of Ancient Russia". Album. (The article by LA Uspensky.
Foreword by S.S .Averintsev. Compilation by N. I. Bednik). - St. Petersburg,
Publishing house "Artist of Russia", 1993.
# [309] Ilin A.A. "Classification of Russian specific coins". Issue 1.
The State Hermitage. Leningrad, 1940.
# [327] "The History of Ancient Rome". Ed. V.I. Kuzishchina, A.G.Bokshtanina. - M., 1971.
# [328] "History of Europe". On the European initiative of Frederick Delush. A team of 12 European historians. - Minsk, publishing house "Vysheyshaya Shkola", Moscow, publishing house "Enlightenment", 1996. Translation from publications: “ Histoire de l'Europe “. - Hachette, 1992.
# [331] "History of Moscow, from ancient times to our days". In three volumes. Edited by A. Sakharov. - Moscow, Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow City Association of Archives, Publishing House association "Mosgorarhiv". Volume 1: XII-XVII century. Volume 2: The 19th Century. Both volumes were published in 1997.
# [335] "The history of French literature". Digest of articles. - St. Petersburg, 1887.
English edition: Demogeot J. "History of French Literature".
- Rivingstons, London, (1883) 1884.
# [336] "History of Humanity: World History". Volumes 1-9. Translation from German. Under the general editorship of G. Helmolta. - St. Petersburg, book publishing association "Education", 1896.
# [338] Istrin V.M. "The Chronicle of John Malal in the Slavonic Translation". A reprinted edition of the materials of V. M. Istrin. Moscow, publishing house "Jan Wiley & Sons", 1994.
# [339] "Disappeared peoples". A collection of articles edited by P.I.Puchkov. - Moscow, publishing house Science, 1988.
# [341] Jovan Dučić. "Grof Sava Vladislavich. The only serbin diplomat at the the court of Peter the Great and Catherine I. "- Beograd, DERETA, 1999.
# [344] Kazakova N.A. "Western Europe in the Russian alphabet XV-XVI centuries "- Leningrad, Science, Leningrad branch, 1980.
# [360] Kamensky A.B. "Life and fate of the Empress Catherine the Great". - Moscow, publishing house "Knowledge", 1997.
# [362] Karamzin N.M. "History of Russian Government". - St. Petersburg., 1842. Reprinted reproduction of the fifth edition, issued in three books with the "Key" application by P.M.Stroev. Books I, II, III, IV. - Moscow, publishing house "The Book", 1988, 1989.
# [370] Carpichecci Alberto Carlo. "Art and history, Egypt, 5000 years civilization. "- Russian edition, Casa Editrice Bonechi, Florence, Italy, 1997.
# [374] Carter G. "Tomb of Tutankhamun". ─ M .: publishing house Vost. lit., 1959.
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