A.T.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy
New data about Andronicus-Christ.

Famous Pythagor, god Apollo, wonderworker Apollonius, Enochs Esau, Jacob and also Job and Isaiah are reflections of Christ.


All the results, stated in the present book, are new and published for the first time. The present work follows our book <<The conquest of America by Ermak-Cortes and the rebellion of Reformation in the eyes of the "ancient" Greeks>>. Those sections of the book, which are devoted to reconstruction of the history, are yet of a suppositional character.

IN THE FIRST CHAPTER we show that the famous "antique" god and wonderworker Apollo-Apollonius – this is a reflection of the Byzantine imperator Andronicus-Christ from the XII century. We remind that in Russian chronicles Andronicus-Christ was reflected as the great prince Andrew the Pious. He is also known as St. Andrew The Apostle. See our book "Tsar of the Slavs".

In the present study we will use, in particular, the famous work of Flavius Philostratus "Life of Apollonius of Tiana". It is considered that Apollonius – this is a "heathen" wonderworker, who lived in the I century A.D. See pic.0.1. But we found out that he was actually a one of the reflections of imperator Andronicus-Christ. So, the book of Flavius Philostratus could be now surely called "A Gospel from Philostratus". It becomes clear that in the XVI-XVII centuries it was forgotten and actually lost, as it had been moved to an absolutely different category of literature. Now we, finally, return this interesting text to life in its authentic, initial quality.

Next we are being convinced that Flavius Philostratus wrote his work in the beginning of the III century A.D. As it now appeared, it was wrong. Actually he lived at the epoch of the XIV-XV centuries, and his work was edited in the XVI-XVII centuries.

IN THE SECOND CHAPTER we analyze the famous books of three "antique" authors, who left us the life stories of the famous philosopher Pythagor. It appeared that Pythagor was also identified with the god Apollo. The issue is about the "antique" works Iamblichus of Chalcis, Diogenes Laertius and Porphyrius.

The biggest text about Pythagor was written by Iamblichus and is called "The life of Pythagor "or "About the Pythagorian way of life". It is considered that Pythagor lived much earlier than Apollonius of Tiana, that is in the VI century B.C., and writing about his life Iamblichus of Chalcis - around 242-306 A.D. Based on the new chronology we found out that the book of Iamblichus – this is one more lost Gospel, telling about Andronicus-Christ. So, the work of Iamblichus was made not earlier the XIV-XV centuries, and edited later. The same is regarding "antique" works of Diogenes Laertius and Porphyrius.

So, it appears that "very antique" Pythagor – this is one more phantom reflection of Andronicus-Christ.

At quick reading of the works of Philostratus, Iamblichus, Diogenes and Porphyrius it may seem that they are far from Gospels. But the New Chronology unexpectedly helps to find out and identify their contents with the known to us plots from the canonical Gospels. After we managed to single out from the indicated "antique" books nearly all the main contents of the Gospels, it appeared that many things, which are missing in the canonized New Testament, remained in them. Moreover, they are not described in so called Apocrypha, telling about Christ. So we managed to find a lot of new and rather interesting data about Andronicus-Christ, which was earlier hidden under a thick layer of "concrete" of the Scaligerian version of history.

Here is, for example, a list of those plots from the canonic Gospels, which were found by us in "The life of Apollonius of Tiana" of Flavius Philostratus and described in details in the first chapter of our book.

# Virgin birth.

# Annunciation.

# Christmas.

# Star of Bethlehem.

# Christ – the God's son.

# Arrival of Magi and their worship to Jesus. The gifts of Magi. This plot is twice described by Philostratus.

# Angry tsar Herod wants to make away with Jesus.

# Beating of the infants at the order of Herod.

# Runaway of the Holy Family to Egypt.

# John the Baptist and Baptism of Christ by him in the river Jordan.

# Adultery of tsar Herod and Herodias. Condemnation of him by John the Baptist.

# Punishment of John the Baptist.

# Levi Matthew, a former publican, and then apostle and evangelist.

# A success of young Christ in studies and his knowledge, which surprises the bookmen.

# A punishment of a boy, who offended Jesus (a plot from Apocrypha).

# A simple look of Christ and his decent way of life.

# A virginity of Christ.

# Long wanderings of Christ at far lands. Then – return to Jerusalem. The folks joyfully meet Christ and ask him for help, advice, curing.

# A temptation of Christ by the devil in the desert. The Lent of Christ.

# Christ is a prophet, speaks much with people, judges, talks, helps, cures.

# A miracle of walking by the water of Christ.

# Exorcism by Christ by means of pigs.

# Christ condemns a depravity of morals in a church.

# A growing anger of the bookmen and Pharisees against Christ.

# Curing of the possessed, expulsion of the bad fairy from a young man. This plot was repeated by Philostratus three times.

# Greedy Judas Iscariot plays full with Christ. A topic of money sounds: payment and purchase-sale.

# Arrest of Christ. Questioning by Pontius Pilate. This plot is repeated twice.

# Pilate unsuccessfully wants to dismiss Christ.

# Pontius Pilate washes his hands in front of the crowd.

# Punishment of Christ.

# A sun eclipse, connected with the crucifixion of Christ.

# The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ. Is described twice.

# An angel, seating on the hearse cover of Christ after his Resurrection.

At the end of the first chapter we shortly list the unknown before, found by us plots about Christ, described by Philostratus. For one or another reason they were not reflected in canonical and so called apocryphal Christian and Judaic literature.

An important note. Accept the "lost Gospels" we also found "lost Jerusalem". According to our results, Christ was crucified on the mountain Beykoz, not far from Tsar-Grad, on the Asian bank of the Bosporus. So, evangelic Jerusalem was identified, at least in several chronicles, with Tsar-Grad. But late-medieval Tsar-Grad was placed on the other bank of the Bosporus and on a different bank from the Beykoz, and a road from it to the Beykoz was not close. At the same time Gospels don't say anything about crossing of any river or strait by Christ during his sacred procession. Not long ago we managed to find the initial old Jerusalem, from where Andronicus-Christ came out for punishment, bringing his cross. It appeared that near the mountain Beykoz, on the same Asian bank of the Bosporus, there is another, smaller mountain, on the top of which there are still ruins of an old city, which is called today IEROS or EROS. Ieros – it is an old name. There was a powerful fortress here, the remainders of which are seen up to date. The way from the city of Ieros to the mountain Beykoz takes around one or two hours, what agrees well with the Gospels. Most likely here was the old, initial, evangelic Jerusalem. By the way, a strategic placement of Ieros-Jerusalem is ideal. It has controlled the narrowest part of the Bosporus. Most likely, at the time of Konstantin the Great = Dmitry Donskoy the capital was moved on the European bank, where there was more plain space. As a result the city "moved" closer to the Marmara sea. There the new capital - Constantinople = Istanbul appeared. The old city Ieros-Jerusalem was left, people moved to the new center. See details in our book "Forgotten Jerusalem".

Let's return to description of the structure of the present book.

IN THE SECOND CHAPTER, as it was already told, we show a surprising correspondence between famous Pythagor and Andronicus-Christ. By the way, all of us know since school the Pythagorean theorem that in the right triangle a sum of the squares of legs is equal to the square of hypotenuse. It appears that mathematical, astronomical and philosophical studies of Pythagor took place not in the VI century B.C., as we are being convinced today, but at the epoch of the XII century A.D. So, historians were mistaken here as much as for one thousand eight hundred years. This is too much. Besides, modern textbooks and monographs on history present the issue so like the reached us "biography" of Pythagor was nearly fully legendary, fantastic. That's why allegedly there is no sense to study it seriously. As appeared, this is not so. The life story of Pythagor is rather substantial, full of important data and turns out to be a one of the variants of many medieval tales about the life and activity of imperator Andronicus-Christ from the XII century. Of course, something, what he didn't do personally, but what took place at his time, by his order, could be prescribed to him.

IN THE THIRD CHAPTER we describe several more found by us phantom reflections of Andronicus-Christ. This time – in the Old Testament. The issue is, first of all, about the famous Biblical personages – Esau and Jacob, the sons of patriarch Isaac. As appeared, the Old Testament life stories of Esau and his brother Jacob-Israel in a considerable measure are "biographies" of Andronicus-Christ with inclusion of the fragments from the "biographies" of his second cousin John the Baptist, and also Judas Iscariot. So, that part of the Old Testament, which tells about Esau and Jacob, also turns out to be one more "lost Gospel". It was lost in the sense that in the XV-XVI centuries it was my mistake or intentionally included in the Old Testament as a tale about allegedly ancient events, which had took place long before the Christmas. We restore this text in its initial quality and with this return to life one more "lost Gospel". Already the fifth of described in the present book.

Next it appears that the Old Testament Job is also a partly reflection of Andronicus-Christ.

IN THE FOURTH CHAPTER we show that the famous Old Testament Burden of Isaiah in a considerable measure is devoted to Andronicus-Christ. And prophet Isaiah himself is, most likely, also a reflection of Andronicus-Christ from the XII century (he is also Andrew the Pious).

In our previous works we provided forty seven phantom reflections of imperator Andronicus-Christ on the pages of the "ancient" sources. The found by us now seven new reflections of Christ, which are Pythagor, Apollonius, Apollo, Esau, Jacob, Job and Isaiah – increase the total number of the found duplicates of Jesus until FIFTY FOUR. This is too much. Here it is seen that the accepted today Scaligerian version of history was artificially rather seriously "exaggerated" by means of many repeats.

We should say that such reflections of Christ, like Pythagor, Apollonius and Apollo are rather bright. The other four reflections – Esau, Jacob, Job and Isaiah from the Old Testament are partly, not so rich in evangelic plots, but also rather interesting.

Let's summarize. On pic.0.2 and pic.0.3 there are the Scaligerian datings of all the found by us until now FIFTY FOUR reflections of imperator Andronicus-Christ. The resulting list considerably widens the table, provided by us earlier in the book <<Christ and Russia in the eyes of the "ancient" Greeks>>. It is worth saying that a rather impressing list of duplicates appeared. We put in order all these phantom reflections according to their Scaligerian datings (we remind that most of them are wrong).

"The chronicle biographies" of imperator Andronicus and prince Andrew the Pious are the most complete reached us WORLDLY evidences of Jesus Christ, who lived, according to the new chronology, in the XII century. So:

1) ANDRONICUS KOMNIN, the Byzantine imperator of the XII century A.D.

2) ANDREW HE PIOUS, the great Russian prince of the XII century A.D.

Many of the reflections of Andronicus-Christ are fractional. To be more exact, these life stories were composed of several layers, among which there was the famous "layer of Andronicus-Christ". Sometimes it is the main one and sometimes not. In the last case fragments of the life story of Christ are usually seriously mixed with the data about other people, who had lived at the epoch of the XII-XV centuries. So, here is a list of the found by us reflections of Andronicus-Christ in the Scaligerian version of history:

3) GREGORIUS VII HILDEBRAND, allegedly the XI century A.D., in Rome.

4) RUDOLPH OF SWABIA, an anti-king, allegedly the XI century A.D., in Rome.

5) �ROMAN DIOGEN, allegedly 1068-1071 A.D., in Byzantium.

6) ISAAC I COMNIN, allegedly 1057-1059 A.D., in Byzantium.

7) MICHAEL KALAFATUS, allegedly 1041-1042 A.D., in Byzantium.

8) ROMAN ARGIRUS, the Byzantine imperator, allegedly 1028-1034 A.D.

9) The death of Russian prince OLEG, allegedly the X century A.D.

10) IGOR, the Russian prince, allegedly the X century A.D.

11) ASKOLD, the Russian prince, allegedly the IX century A.D.

12) PHOKAS, the Byzantine imperator, allegedly 602-610 A.D.

13) KOLYADA, the god of medieval Slavs, and also medieval Western-European SANTA CLAUS.

14) ODIN, the German-Scandinavian god, medieval, but allegedly "very-very ancient".

15) JESUS CHRIST, allegedly the I century A.D.

16) APOLLONIUS, the "antique" wonderworker, allegedly the I century A.D.

17) ANDREW THE FIRST-CALLED, an apostle of allegedly the I century A.D.

18) GAIUS JULIUS CAESAR, the Roman imperator, allegedly the I century B.C.

19) ANTONIUS, the "ancient"-Roman commander, allegedly the I century B.C.

20) The death of Egyptian tsarina CLEOPATRA, allegedly the I century B.C.

21) SALMOXIS, the god of "antique" Thracians, allegedly "very-very ancient".

22) EUCLID, the famous mathematician, geometer, allegedly 315-255 B.C.

23) HANNON, the Carthaginian hero, allegedly the IV century B.C.

24) ISOKRATES, the Athenian speaker and writer, allegedly 436-338 B.C.

25) SOCRATES, the Greek philosopher and sage, allegedly 469-399 B.C.

26) LISANDROS, the Spartan tsar, allegedly the V-IV centuries B.C.

27) NIKIAS, the Athenian commander, the head of Athens, allegedly the V century B.C.

28) PAUSANIAS, the Spartan tsar, allegedly the V century B.C.

29) ANDROCLO, the head of the Athenian radical democrats, allegedly the V century B.C.

30) ANDOKIDES, �the Athenian speaker and public person, allegedly the V century B.C.

31) CYRUS THE JUNIOR, the Persian tsarevich, allegedly the V century B.C., died allegedly in 401 B.C.

32) TIMOCREON, an Athenian, allegedly the V century B.C.

33) PHRYNICHOS, the Athenian strategist, allegedly the V century B.C.

34) POLICRATUS, the tsar of Samos, allegedly the VI century B.C.

35) ZOPYRUS, the famous Persian, an organizer of the capture of Babylon near tsar Darius, allegedly the VI century B.C.

36) CYRUS THE SENIOR, the Persian tsar, allegedly 559-530 B.C.

37) CROESUS, the Lydian tsar, allegedly 560-546 or 590-545 B.C.

38) SERVIUS TULLIUS, the last but one, sixth tsar of Tsar Rome, allegedly 578-535 B.C.

39) PYTHAGOR, an "antique" philosopher and mathematician, allegedly the VI century B.C.

40) CYLON, an Athenian, Olympic winner, allegedly the VII century B.C.

41) ROMULUS, the first tsar of "antique" tsar Rome, allegedly the VIII century B.C.

42) ISAIAH, the Old Testament prophet, allegedly the VIII century B.C.

43) DAVYD or DAVID, the Biblical Old Testament tsar, allegedly the XI century B.C.

44) OSIRIS or OZIRIS, an "ancient"-Egyptian god, and also god HORUS or KHORUS, allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

45) DIONYSUS, an "antique" god, allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

46) ORPHEUS, an "antique" god, allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

47) ZEUS, the supreme "antique" god, allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

48) PRIXOS, an "antique" hero, allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

49) JASON or JAZON, an "antique" hero, who mined the Golden Fleece, allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

50) APOLLONIUS, an "antique" god, allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

51) JOB, an Old Testament personage, allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

52) ESAU, an Old Testament patriarch (a fractional duplicate), allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

53) JACOB, an Old Testament patriarch (a fractional duplicate), allegedly "a monstrous ancientry".

54) RHADAMANTHUS, an "antique" god.

IN THE FIFTH CHAPTER we found out that Biblical patriarch Joseph was a fractional reflection of the famous Russian saint Joseph of Volotsk, and also Dmitry-Mardokhey, a son of Biblical Esther, who is Elena Voloshanka from the XVI century. So, the Old Testament tells, in particular, about the stormy events in Russia-Horde, which took place in Moscow = Second Jerusalem in the second half of the XVI century.

IN THE SIXTH CHAPTER under the name "Miscellaneous" we collected separate plots, not connected directly with the main topics of the book, but definitely interesting ones.

IN THE SEVENTH CHAPTER we date the recently found by us ancient zodiacs. It appears that their astronomical datings are placed not in the "deep ancientry", as we are being convinced by historians, but to the Late Middle Ages. The developed by us objective and independent methods and the received by means of them datings are very important, as they restore that "skeleton", "spinal column", on which the correct history is "beaded".

In conclusion, let's stop on the perception of our reconstruction of the history by some opponents. We many times told about this, but we have to repeat again, as our "critics" pretend that they "don't hear", and continue their attempts to distort our discussions. We repeat that the fundament of our main conclusions is the restored by us New Chronology. That is the correct chronology, as against the Scaligerian one. It rests on the statistical, mathematical and astronomical methods, created by A.T.Fomenko at the period from 1974 to 1981, and also by G.V.Nosovskiy and A.T.Fomenko and our colleagues in the later period. These methods are described in detail in the first books of our seven volumes "Chronology. First Canon", in the following volumes:

A.T.Fomenko, "Foundations of the History";

A.T.Fomenko, "Methods";

V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko, "Stars", Part 1;

G.V.Nosovskiy, A.T.Fomenko, �.N.Fomenko, "Stars", Part 2;

Moreover, the new mathematical methods, developed by G.V.Nosovskiy and A.T.Fomenko after 1980, are stated also in the other books of seven volumes "Chronology. First Canon". Including the books, devoted to the reconstruction of history. See also the books of G.V.Nosovskiy and A.T.Fomenko "New chronology of Egypt" and "Ancient zodiacs of Egypt and Europe", containing the results, not included into "First Canon".

Let's explain with an example the problem of perception of the New Chronology by "unsatisfied critics". In our reconstruction we, in particular, come to the conclusion that the famous "Greek fire", which "antique" soldiers used, these were just guns of the XIV-XVI centuries. The opponents try to present the issue so like we state this just based on the comparison of LITERARY DESCRIPTIONS of the "Greek fire" with the descriptions of the medieval guns. After this they gladly exclaim: we are not convinced by this. Like professional historians don't see anything similar between the "Greek fire" and guns! "Therefore", the New Chronology is wrong.

Actually the logic of our discussions is absolutely different. FIRST WE PROVE with natural-scientific methods that the epoch of "antiquity" should be moved up in time and placed to the XIII-XVI centuries. Only after this we try again, with new eyes, to read the ancient texts of Herodotus, Thucydides etc. And here it appears that at such chronological shift the "antique Greek fire" turns out to be SIMULTANEOUS with the medieval fire arms of the XIV-XVI centuries. But in such case two logical possibilities appear.

THE FIRST: to consider that at the Middle Ages the two types of arms existed side by side:

�) SOME MISTERIOUS "GREEK FIRE", - a nature of which, by the way, historians can't explain and thoughtfully speak about some mysterious arms of the ancient people, the secret of which was allegedly lost.

�) Well known to us MEDIEVAL GUNS.

THE SECOND logical possibility, the one, which was defined by us, is such. Simply to identify the "antique Greek fire" with medieval guns.

Of course somebody, probably, may want to insist on the first version. But we think that the common sense obviously speaks in favor of our conclusion. We repeat that such logical conclusion became possible only after our earlier PROOF by means of independent mathematical and astronomical methods, that the epoch of the "ancient Greek fire" and the epoch of medieval guns – THIS IS THE SAME EPOCH OF THE XIV-XVI centuries.

In the other words, first we prove a theorem, and only after this we take out of it the sequences and comment them. And our "unsatisfied critics" persistently try to turn everything upside down and present sequences and comments as a proof. This is absolutely wrong. Often, probably, a reason of such fraud is that some people didn't see into our natural-scientific methods and used a "reversed logics". Enough about this.

In the present book we refer, in particular, to our seven volumes "Chronology. First Canon", containing a fundament of the New Chronology and published in 2004-2006 by publishing house RIMIS, Moscow. The seven volumes consist of the following books:

1) A.T.FOMENKO, "Foundations of the history";

2) A.T.FOMENKO, "Methods";

3�) A.T.FOMENKO, V.V.Kalashnikov, G.V.Nosovskiy, "Stars" Part 1;

3�) A.T.FOMENKO, �.N.Fomenko, G.V.Nosovskiy, "Stars" Part 2;

4) A.T.FOMENKO, G.V.Nosovskiy, "New chronology of Russia";

5) A.T.FOMENKO, G.V.Nosovskiy, "Empire";

6) A.T.FOMENKO, G.V.Nosovskiy, "Biblical Russia";

7) A.T.FOMENKO, G.V.Nosovskiy, "Reconstruction".

See ����1, ����2, ... , ����7 in the list of literature.

We are deeply grateful to �.N.Fomenko for many valuable notes and additions.

A.T.FOMENKO, G.V.Nosovskiy
2008, Moscow,
Lomonosov Moscow State University